Chapter 7:Training Begins

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm standing in front of Rias Family's Summer Home with Kuroka beside,I already have a good idea for what everyone needs to work on.I can hear Issei complain as they're coming up the hill which annoys Kuroka and I laugh.
Kuroka:So how do you plan on motivating him?
Me:*Grins*Simple just gotta dangle a prize in front of him that'll get him motivated enough.(She looks curious as they all arrive)Alright go put your stuff in the house and then we're gonna start.
Me:Yeah why you tired?(He nods) are you suppose to have a harem with stamina that low?
[He surprised and then looks down before slowly stands up]
Issei:*Tired*For my harem I will fight!
[He jogs into the house and I look at everyone who's looking at me blankly]
Me:*Smiles*Carrot on ah stick...just use the right wording and the right bait,you can achieve anything.
[They're surprised and nod as I snicker,then they head into the house]
Kuroka:So that's what you meant huh?
[I nod and she seems satisfied by it,after a couple minutes they all come back.I look at them]
Me:Alright I'm gonna run thru what you all need to work on going from the people that need the most work to the least work alright.(They nod)Alright first....Issei(He's surprised)you need to work on your physical capabilities which are about as low as you can go save for your durability which is okay at best,then your magical capabilities considering you can't even teleport yourself,and finally your sacred gear considering you can't even communicate with Ddraig & can barely access the in short...everything.
[He slumps over depressed,then I move on]
Rias(She's surprised)you've spent the majority of your life in the comfort of your noble home.You haven't been pushed to work harder,being handed a large majority of what you have,you're control over the power of destruction is a perfect example actually.You have minimal control over it as you've only focused on it's outright natural power and not honing that power to increase it's power.Then there's the fact that if you take more than one strong hit you're gonna shatter like a piece of glass being tossed off a skyscraper so we're definitely working on that.
[She's surprised & nods sadly]
Next're healing is good but your proficiency with your magic isn't anywhere near your full potential.You also don't have any way to defend yourself and given your the healer if the enemy can take you out everyone else is basically screwed.So we'll be working on your magic efficiency and teaching you some extra magics including buffing magic & summoning magic.
[She nods]
Next Akeno...I'm aware of your past(Those that know are shocked)and what happened...but three things.1stly-Barquiel wasn't home because he was dealing with another group from the Himejima Clan which were utilizing Space-Time Barriers to give the group that attacked you and your mom enough time.(She's shocked)2ndly-The Himejima Clan had been stalking you and your mother to wait for a opportunity for when he wasn't home,which is when the idea of the decoy team came up.And 3rdly-After learning about what happened from your cousin Suzaku I went and had a talk with Lady Amaterasu.(They're eyes widen)As someone who also lost their mother at a young age I understand your pain,but unlike with my mother who couldn't be back...(I look to the side as a Gigori Magic Circle appears)your could...
[From the magic circle two people come thru...]

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[They're shocked and she starts crying,before running to her]Me:Remember how I mentioned I robbed the Himejima Clan?(Everyone nods)Yeah well like two months  after that Suzaku came ta see me,where she explained what happened with Akeno and Shuri a...

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[They're shocked and she starts crying,before running to her]
Me:Remember how I mentioned I robbed the Himejima Clan?(Everyone nods)Yeah well like two months  after that Suzaku came ta see me,where she explained what happened with Akeno and Shuri along with the extra info.So...I did the most reasonable thing and stormed Heaven,walked to Amaterasu and asked her resurrect her.(They go wide eyed)And after a bit of.....Ehem persuading she agreed and resurrected her.
[Their eyes nearly bulge out]
Rias:*Shocked/Wide Eyed*Y-You stormed heaven and confronted Lady Amaterasu!?
Me:Yes I did.
Kiba:*Shocked/Wide Eyed*How did you persuade her exactly?
[I look at him as everyone including Shuri & Barquiel look at me]
Shuri:*Curious*You never did explain how you got her to agree to bring me back....
Me:Let's put this way she and her husband are estranged and she has had a boyfriend/lover in over a few hundred years.(They go wide eyed)*Smiles*I'll leave you all fill in the rest.
Issei:*Shocked/Wide Eyed*Dude did you bang a Goddess!?
[I just smile and then look at Akeno]
Me:Anyways Barquiel will be working with you on your Holy Lightning and Shuri will be helping you with your magic proficiency.
[She nods stilled stunned by everything]
Alright now Koneko(She looks at me still wide eyed)you'll be working on your physical capabilities mainly speed & agility,your hand-to-hand,but most importantly your Senjutsu,Youjutsu,and possibly if you can achieve it Touki,Alright?(She nods)And of course Kuroka will be assisting you in that.
[She smiles and so does Kuroka]
Me:And finally....Kiba(He looks at me)dude I'll be completely honest you only really need to work on your durability and your creativity.(He's surprised)Like you can make any type of Demonic Sword so why not make a sword that doubles the weigh of anything it strikes or something like that(He seems surprised by that before looking down contemplating the idea)...And as for your durability well...that's just cause your current level of durability is equal to that of tissue paper understand?
[He nods]
Barquiel:Ryo(I look at him)I heard you were challenged by Riser Phenex as well correct?(I nod)Well according to what Azazel told me it's going to be broadcasted throughout the Supernatural World....and it's not just Riser & his peerage,but also from what I heard over six thousand other Devils have agreed to take part alongside him.(Everyone's shocked and I'm just uneffected)A number which is still rising.
Me:Huh....Thanks for letting me know(Their surprised by me being unaffected)*Smirks*guess I'll actually be able to have some fun during the fight.(They're all shocked and looking at me like I'm crazy)But for now(I pull out four pieces of hair from my head before throwing them up as they become clones of me making everyone look confused and surprised)let's start the training,everyone goes with one of my clones except you Akeno you go with Barquiel & Shuri.
[They all nod still looking at me like I'm crazy,they go with my clones as I take Issei to train him personally]

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