Chapter 4 - Where Are We?

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Previously, on the Reverse 1999, Chapter 3:

The Australia, a land where the native flora and fauna can turn into your worst nightmare just because they feel like it. A land where you can't walk five feet without encountering a creature trying to kill you, where the birds don't just chirp – they shout! 

That land is not for the fainthearted and it's certainly not for those with a fear of spiders. If you think you're up for it though, be prepared for an adventure like no other.

"Hmm... Yes please! I'm a tough Aussie bloke who can handle anything that this great country throws at me. Sounds like a perfect way to start my morning! Bring it on, ya cunts!"

The land where man is not at the top of the food chain. Where an innocent stroll in the park can turn into a fight for your life before you can blink. Where a friendly looking tarantula can wrap its legs around your neck and strangle you into unconsciousness while a bloody kangaroo tries to break your kneecaps for the fun of it. The only thing you can do is nod and say, "Hmm... Yes please... Mate..." because that's just how life is here.

Well, isn't this just great? It's just another day in Australia. It's like the wildlife here has a vendetta against him or something. But does he complain? Of course not! The tougher the challenge, the more delicious the victory. Let's see what you've got.

Just imagine the picture: a solitary figure hunched over a small fire, a Vegemite sandwich in one hand and a deadly snake curled around the other, which is not your usual routine. But hey, no matter how grim the situation, our intrepid explorer has a positive attitude. "Hmmm... Yes please!" he thinks to himself, savoring the salty taste of Vegemite. He's tough, resilient, and above all, optimistic.

What an iconic image! This is the essence of Aussie larrikinism, a willingness to face the harshest of conditions head-on with a wry smile and a shrug of the shoulders. How satisfying it must be to be able to confront danger.

A snake slithers through the burning outback, its skin glinting under the sun. It watches as its prey comes into view, a man sitting cross- legged with a Vegemite sandwich in his hands. He doesn't look scared, or even aware of the danger lurking nearby. His face is serene, his thoughts elsewhere. its scales shimmering as though the sun were dancing across them. The man turns his head slightly, a soft smile upon his face.

"Hmm... Yes please..."

Who would have thought that kangaroos can be that much of a nuisance?! It's just incredible how far and wide they spread their fur. It really does get everywhere, I mean, you just can't escape it... The fur can be difficult to remove and can quickly build up over time. the fur on your clothes, the fur on your furniture, even the food has kangaroos' fur on it! It's like they are everywhere!

The little bugger sheds like crazy, they are even worse than rabbits, you can brush it out and the fur just keeps coming back again and again. Kangaroos shed more than a cat and shed nearly twice as much as a dog. It is a challenge to get rid of the fur in a house and you may even need to vacuum daily to keep up. Kangaroos are such messy creatures!

Even when you think you're safe, there's kangaroos everywhere just waiting to pounce on you with their big pouches, cute little paws, and of course their furry, bushy tails! So, yes, kangaroo fur can indeed be a pain to deal with.

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