Chapter 18 - Excursion Through Tempest, Memoriae And Timekeeping

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Previously, on the Reverse 1999, Chapter 17:

It was all so vivid, as if it happened yesterday, a day he would never get out of his mind. It was like stepping into a different world where all worries and problems were gone and it was just him and his thoughts. But that day, his thoughts were... No, The man was lost, his head wasn't in the game that day. The sun was high in the sky and the heat was unbearable. He was tired of all the struggles of life, the constant fight to survive. He wanted something more. He needed an escape. But he didn't know where to go or what to do. He felt like he was drowning in his own despair. He just wanted a way out. But he couldn't find it... However, despite the futility, he keep going

It had become almost routine. He would wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed. It seemed like there was no point to any of it. It felt like he was just going through the motions, not really living. He wasn't enjoying his life, he just existed. There was no joy, no excitement, just monotony. It was a never ending cycle of meaningless days. But, there was something inside him that wouldn't just let it be, there was still a spark of hope that kept him going, but it was fading away bit by bit.

The cruel twist of fate, it kept playing with his life. He couldn't handle this anymore. And just like that, it clicked. He realized that he had been blaming fate and luck for his failures and disappointments, when it was really his own fault. The destiny was just his excuse to avoid taking responsibility. He was the one who had made the same silly charades in his entire life. No one else to blame but himself. That was the day when he decided to change. He knew it wouldn't get any better so he had to take the matters into his own hands. Enough was enough, he was done with feeling sorry for himself. He needed to change his life once and for all. It was time to take back control.

Nothing is ever permanent. Nothing lasts forever. Everything is an ebb and flow. Everything is transient. Including the rain. As much as the rain can cause us problems and make us feel down, it can also be comforting. No matter how depressing the rain might seem in the moment, it always stops eventually. It may seem like it will never end, like you will drown in the downpour, but that's just your mind playing tricks on you. Rain is nothing more than water; it doesn't care about your feelings, it just falls and puddles. It is merely a matter of time before it passes the clouds, and you can see the sun again. The next time you feel overwhelmed by your worries, take a deep breath and remind yourself that the rain will stop. There is always a rainbow waiting for us at the end of the road.

On the other hand, When life throws you a rainy day, you can either sink in the muck, or you can play in the puddles. Don't just look at your misery and see it as a burden. Instead, try to find the fun in the situation. Take a deep breath and embrace the rain. Allow yourself to get wet and splash around in the puddles. Be like a child and play in the rain, without worrying about getting soaked. You don't need to be serious all the time. It's your choice. Rain is something that we cannot control, but we can control how we respond to it. If you are willing to look for the silver lining, you will find that rain can be a wonderful thing. So, next time life throws you a rainy day, don't fight the rain, play in the puddles.

For all his godly abilities and supreme knowledge, he lacked the gift of free will. Each individual had an internal compass that could guide them down a path of good or evil, right or wrong, and he was always at the mercy of their decisions. His omnipotence was meaningless in the face of human will. Each and every individual possessed something he did not, the ability to make their own choices and decisions. Therefore, as long as a man can think and reason, he can shape his own destiny, make his choices, and control his own fate. it is the choice that he makes that determines his course in life.

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