Chapter 8 - Timekeeper

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Previously, on the Reverse 1999, Chapter 7:


INSERT SOUNDTRACK: (Reverse: 1999 OST | Stage Select Music)

Time is like a river, ever-flowing and ever-changing. Just like a droplet that detaches itself from its source, only to return to it once more when the time comes. Such is the cycle of everything in this world. Like the droplet returning to the cloud of the sky, a journey back to where it came. The past is undone, the future has passed, and the present holds only fleeting seconds of time. The hands of the clock turn in the opposite direction, as reality bends and the laws of time and space are undone. Would the rules of time be undone along with the space-time continuum? Who indeed is the will behind this phenomenon, the cause of the 'Storm'? The mystery deepens as the questions pile on.

Some say that it is possibly misguided human action and that everything is unable to return to the way it was before this 'Storm' occurred. If the cause of this 'Storm' was indeed the action of humans, then it would surely bring an entirely new meaning to the words "actions have consequences." But what if it was caused by something beyond humans? Perhaps something divine, a higher power that is beyond our understanding. The mystery is indeed deep with this one, we can only theorize and observe in the meantime.

Anything is possible when we delve into the unknown. Perhaps the 'Storm' is a natural phenomenon that occurs from time to time, much like the changing of the seasons and the tides of the sea. Maybe it is a way for the universe to rein in the chaos of existence, an attempt to restore order and balance. If the 'Storm' is indeed part of the natural order, then we can say that it was meant to happen the way it did. But we shall not jump to conclusions, more research is needed before we can confirm its nature.

Vertin, oblivious or not, was being used and manipulated by the St. Pavlov Foundation. She didn't have many choices, she was being forced down a particular path that she had no control over. It was as if they were trying to shape her into something she didn't want to become. Vertin just wanted to know the truth. This seemed very important. What Vice President Constantine wanted was cruel and unjust... But that was life, it was not fair... she wanted her to grow and achieve their goals, whatever they may be. Vertin herself, probably feared that she was being used as a pawn in someone else's game.

It was unfair, the game she was playing in. Unfair Chess Game. The St. Pavlov Foundation didn't seem like they cared about her feelings. All they cared about was achieving their goals... And Vertin was just a pawn. Maybe they had good intentions, she didn't know. But she didn't want to be a part of their game if it meant being used like this... She wanted to learn the truth and make decisions on her own terms. But no, She had no choice but to play the game until the very end. Vertin's soft and sweet voice sounded quite sad. She didn't like the fact that she didn't have an option in her destiny.

The storm... It was coming. Y/N had no desire to stay in this era anymore. He didn't want to cause a time paradox. he had to leave... It was as if his time in this era was ending. But that does not mean he didn't want to help and influence Vertin first. hoping that Vertin would be able to take in all of the knowledge she received from Y/N and make sense of it. So far, she has learned a lot about how the world works, and it was eye-opening for her.

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