Chapter 9 - Reunion In The Twilight Of Fate

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Previously, on the Reverse 1999, Chapter 9:

Silence fills the air. The only sounds here, the sound of her own breath... She can feel the weight of this silence, the depth behind its presence. Just when she starts to wonder if this will ever end, In the distance, she hears a peculiar sound that she has never heard before. It's a low frequency sound, almost buzzing, like a fly buzzing nearby. 

The sound of Storm in the distant breaks the static of sound. She does not understand the exact reason why, she trusts that he has all heard the same instructions and chooses to remain silent as well. It is not always easy to silence the mind, but in this instance, she follows the lead of those around her and maintains the deafening silence.

Her journey through time had been nothing short of hectic. She had experienced things far beyond her wildest imaginings, but with each new trial came a lesson learned and a new challenge overcome. The memories may be a blur, the emotions may be complicated, but as she continues on her journey. Nothing has gone according to plan so far, and everything seems to be moving at a chaotic rate.

There have been so many unexpected turns and changes of fate that she hasn't had the time to fully digest any of them. She is tired of constantly having to change course and adapt to the unpredictable. She is exhausted from having to fight off the constant doubts that arise in her own mind. Yet, despite the chaos, she perseveres, trusting that things will work out in the end.

The whole world has fallen into chaos. The storm was so fierce that it distorted the very perception of reality itself, casting everything into a nightmarish absurdity that she could not wrap her mind around. But as an arcanist, she could not help but watch as the flow of time itself was disrupted by this ridiculous storm. 

The laws of the universe no longer applied here, and nothing made any sense at all. Even things that had always been familiar - like gold and food - had been turned on their heads and twisted into unrecognizable forms. The world as they knew it had been upended.

No regrets. Those were two words she had lived by throughout her childhood, and so she believed them wholeheartedly. How naive she had been. Witnessing the first storm, she was utterly humbled by the chaos it created. The regret crept into her thoughts, remembering how naive she has been, how her words had come back to haunt her. 

Life was simple and carefree, and there was nothing more important than enjoying each moment to its full extent. Nothing could rattle her or cause her to feel anxious or afraid. But life was not quite so simple anymore. Now, she felt guilty for making such a foolish statement in her childhood days. Witnessing the storm reminded her of the pain and suffering that exists in this world, and she hated herself for being so naive in the past.

That day was a turning point in her life. It was when she became the Timekeeper, an arcane practitioner able to oversee the flow of time. But the burden of her powers also carries a heavy guilt. Despite this guilt, she wishes she could change what had happened that day, when she had witnessed her deskmate die. She wishes she could turn back time to save her deskmate's life. She regrets everything that led to her becoming the Timekeeper, wishing she had made different choices in her past.

However, there was no way to change the past, but she would never forget the day that she became the Timekeeper. She was forever changed by this storm, and the guilt and regret of this moment will stay with her forever. Even the loss of her deskmate is a guilt that she will carry with her until the end of her days.

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