Chapter 9 - Afterworld

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INSERT SOUNDTRACK: (Dawnwoods - Night | Reverse: 1999)

They say that laughter is the best medicine. Oh dear, in this current predicament may be not a good moment, but has he ever wondered how silly it can look when someone stumbles around in the dark? How about tripping over something in the dark? Or the funniest of all, walking into a clear glass window whilst thinking it's a door

Perhaps he was wandering around the desolate wasteland that was on his mind. Maybe he was aimlessly strolling through the dense fog of confusion that constantly enveloped his thoughts. Or it could be that he was simply drifting along the currents of the ocean of his emotions, unable to see the shore. In any case, it doesn't matter how he got here, but now that he is here, let's make the best of it and explore the depths of this dark moment together.

It is best to not explore the unknown or to uncover the truth behind the door. Sometimes it's better to remain ignorant of the unknown. It's best to not let curiosity take charge or to follow the urge to open that door. To remain calm. To let the door remain closed. And to never know. The truth behind that door. 

Maybe... It's best if you do not look behind that door, or not open the door. But what if? What if that door leads to a better place? What if that door leads to new beginnings? What if that door leads to a land of dreams and freedom? Well. Then perhaps we should open that door. Because in the end. Perhaps it is indeed best to find out what might be hidden behind that door after all...

The rain falls in gentle droplets, creating a light pattern against the ground and the surrounding objects. The air in this atmosphere is thick and heavy, almost as if it's hugging someone and refusing to let go. The distant sounds of thunder rolling across the sky, while the occasional flash of lightning illuminates the darkened sky. As the rain droplets dance in the soft light, the world almost seems like it's at peace, despite the chaotic storm that's occurred earlier. 

Ah! So this is the afterlife? A place beyond the mortal realm, where one's soul can wander and find eternal peace. Perhaps this is where one finds the truth of themselves, without the constraints of mortal form. Perhaps this is where they find true peace and contentment. The rain continues to fall. It's as if the rain itself is a metaphor for the journey of life into death.

Perhaps it is a place between worlds. Where time is but only a concept and not a constraint to one's existence. Time flows freely without order nor structure. Only chaos and randomness. Perhaps it is also the realm of the gods, where they dwell and rule, without the restraints of mortal form. It's a world where everything is possible. It's a world where anything that is not possible suddenly becomes possible. It's a world of endless possibilities, where everyone and everything finds their purpose. And a world where everyone is connected. No matter what may happen.

The fog is oppressive and makes moving difficult as if it's trying to hold Y/N in place. It's hard to see the world around Y/N, and he can only make out vague shapes. Y/N steps forward, determined, as he navigates through this unknown place. Every footstep creates a crunching sound on the damp ground as if he's stepping on fragile leaves. The fog suddenly thins. Y/N looks ahead, relieved to finally get a glimpse of what lies ahead.

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