Chapter 17 - The Tempest's Appetizer

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Previously, on the Reverse 1999, Chapter 16

You're back here again, huh? Look, I don't know what your problem is, but you're starting to annoy me. Every day, it's the same thing - you roll up here and spew your nonsense. I've heard it all before, and frankly, it's getting old. Maybe if you thought before you spoke, you wouldn't be in this position. So, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than waste my time on you... Wait, Oh? You are still here? To endure it? What a surprise, it's same as always, babbling fools. Here to embarrass yourself with your pathetic attempts to speak? Well, go ahead, make an idiot of yourself. You're just as clueless as the last time, if not more. But fine! Since you are stubborn, perhaps a few words will appetize you.

Perhaps it's telepathy, or maybe it's being alone with your own thoughts that allows them to take root. Perhaps it's the sound of the heavy rain that is allowing you to hear the distant voices of so many you hold dear. Perhaps it is simply the solitude of this room, a space where the outside world cannot penetrate, that allows you to speak your own mind out loud. And yet, as you sit here, the rain falling steadily outside, it feels as though there are so many voices inside you that are waiting to be heard, voices that might never find their way out of the darkness. it is simply fate. Whatever the reason, we are connected in a way that cannot be explained by logic. We complete each other's sentences without even trying. We finish each other's thoughts. We don't even have to speak to understand what the other is feeling. We just know. It's almost as if time stands still when we are together. Nothing else matters. Just us. Just this moment.

Oh, humans and their arrogance! They think they're the smartest creatures on Earth, but they haven't got a clue. They walk around like they're the center of the universe and everything revolves around them. But I'll tell you what, once I'm done with them, they'll remember who the real rulers of this planet are! Okay, look, calm down. Humans aren't all bad. Yeah, some of them are assholes, but others are pretty cool. Plus, we wouldn't even have civilization or technology without humans. So maybe don't be so quick to judge, okay? Humans are just trying to make their way in this crazy world, just like the rest of us. So, show a little empathy and cut them some slack. Besides, you don't want them hearing you say stuff like that and getting all pissed off, do you? Wouldn't be fun for anyone involved.

We most certainly cannot ignore the discrimination against the Arcanists! It is a blight upon the world, a plague that must be eradicated. Those who are gifted with magic have as much right to exist as any other people, and they deserve equal protection under the law. To deny them their rights is to spit in the face of the very gods who bestowed them upon us. Only by working together to defend the rights of minorities can we truly achieve a peaceful and just society. But think again, so what is the problem if they were oppressed? Why the Arcanists so important? What are their motive? What are they ultimate goal? 

Why do we need to protect them? For what? Why the hell yes? Is the Arcanists are some kind of special class? Are they god? Just because you've got special powers doesn't mean you're above everyone else. In fact, if anything, it makes you even more dangerous and susceptible to corruption. Look at the death toll, for god's sake! If you ask me, Arcanists are the real problem. We should keep an eye on them so that they're not abusing their powers. It's a matter of public safety, and we shouldn't let them off the hook so easily. No one is above the law, not even spellcasters!

"But which side has the highest death toll?"

The question remains unanswered. However, a quick search of available data suggests that it may be the Arcanists who have a larger kill count, maybe they are the responsible for this mess, but further research is required to make a definitive conclusion. It is also important to note that the death toll should not be the sole factor in determining which group is responsible for the violence. Other factors such as motivation, intent and context should be considered as well, since they can help to contextualize the numbers and provide further insight into the situation. If we base the statistics on the number of casualties caused by Arcanists compared to humans during the past centuries, it's quite clear that humans have been responsible for a much higher death toll. Arcanists may have their fair share of misdeeds, but humans take the cake when it comes to destroying life and causing chaos. Even when they're trying to do good, humans often end up causing more harm than good. So, if you have to choose between being ruled by humans or Arcanists, the latter option seems like the better choice. At least they are honest and upfront about their intentions, unlike those sneaky humans.

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