Chapter 3 - Humorous Investigation

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Previously, on the Reverse 1999, Chapter 2:

The ship sank into the bottom, which is quite tragic. It's like watching a mighty Goliath fall without a fuss, as if the vessel itself is aware of its surrounding and thus, accepting its fate in the sea. How that mighty ship sinks into the bottom like no one's business, all that power and might be brought down by the simple force of gravity and the power of the waves. One's first thought was, 'Why didn't you make it waterproof?' I'm just kidding, of course. I know you tried your best with the budget and materials provided. It's just a little ironic how the ship is sinking, while I don't seem to be affected at all. I'm standing here, sipping tea like it's my daily routine. The sinking ship, on the other hand, doesn't seem like it will be an enjoyable experience.

Did someone say about budget?

Regulus wouldn't say a thing about this, she has been waiting in the suitcase for far too long. Since the budget being the current topic, the Timekeeper department has gained more flexible autonomy and independent budget. Regulus wanted a new ship. The increased budget and autonomy would enable them to purchase a new ship, one that is more fit for her needs and purpose. The previous vessel sank due to an unexpected predicament. However, now it is a chance for Regulus to acquire a new ship, one that would be built to hee specifications and fulfill her needs.

At the Joint Committee of the Foundation, the busy bureaucracies and politicking kept the place buzzing with activity, as usual. There was a constant mess of agendas and self-interests on display, people arguing and trying to get their point across. It was a chaotic environment, but it was a necessary one in order to keep the Foundation running smoothly.

"Okay, Regulus... Calm your rock down...Let us begin with the usual protocol of reviewing this section of the Storm Reformation: Manpower and Discipline...." Y/N proceed to discuss the agendas for the day.

Y/N found that politics and bureaucracy could be very tedious at times, but he understood the importance of maintaining a proper procedure and following the rules, partially.... "Firstly, there will be a review of our current staffing situation and manpower levels to identify any potential gaps or discrepancies in our current roster. I will also be reviewing all active protocols and procedures relating to morale and discipline to ensure we have effective measures in place to maintain order and standards within our team."

He was always the one to lead this meeting and would often be the one to facilitate conversation and bring forward important topics. This meant that he would often have to deal with political bickering and disagreements among the members.

Vertin sat down, waiting to present her monthly report, of course this is mandatory since she is in charge in her own department. Her work was a core component of the Foundation's activities, and she was ready to share her report with the significant individuals, that is Madam Z.

"'Independent' means 'you don't rely on other's," Y/N clears up for Regulus, who looks like she is still upset about her sunken ship during the storm in 1966. She was still upset about the whole affair, which was understandable, given how much significance she attached to her ship.

Y/N acknowledged her frustration, the topic of 'Independence' came up once again, which is expected given that it was one of the main agendas for the day. In the context of the Foundation, "independent" means not relying on other departments or organizations. 

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