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"You should probably leave. You know you aren't allowed to spend the night in here." I told Chase as we laid next to each other in my bed. He was playing with a long strand of my hair while I rested my head on his chest.

"I'll sneak out early in the morning." He replied through a yawn. I sat up straight, making him drop my hair and sigh. He pushed the side of his head into the pillow and gave me a frown. "Come on, Stassie. They won't notice." He begged, practically falling asleep right now.

"That was, like, the only rule Davenport and Tasha had for us." I retorted through a small sniffle. I was just starting to get a cold. I surprised I was the one convincing my goody toe shoes boyfriend to follow the rules. "What's with you? You never want to break the rules." I asked, crossing my arms as he sat up as well.

"I like being with you." He said simply, smiling as he tucked a piece of hair out of my face. I smacked his hand away. "And you're sick. I don't want you to suffer alone." He added, unfazed by my slapping.

"Don't be so sweet. It's harder to kick you out when you stay stuff like that." I told with furrowed brows. He looked at me through hooded eyes, obviously worn out from training. "Chase, you're tired. You gotta go to your capsule."

"Fine. I'll leave you, if that's what you want." He sighed, trying to guilt me. I hated to say it, but it worked. As he started to get up I grabbed his pajama covered arm and yanked him back down.

"Okay, you can stay. But only for tonight." I quickly added.

"Like I'd ever leave you anyways." He said in a half laugh, half yawn.

"Promise?" I asked as we laid back down.

"Promise." He confirmed.


The next morning, like he said, Chase was gone. Although it was the rules, it still sucked to wake up alone when he was there when I went to sleep, but I persevered. Not only did I wake up alone, but I also woke up feeling like crap. My head was aching so hard I thought I might die, and I couldn't breath out of my nose. But I had a math test today that I knew I couldn't miss.

But then, I was sent home during third period because I could hardly stay awake. I was sent to the nurses office and was surprised to see Leo there, too. I accused him of getting him sick, and he threatened to blow his nose on me, and that went on until Tasha finally came to pick us up.

"What are you two doing here?" Davenport asked as Leo and I both walked down the stairs into the living room. Davenport was sitting at his desk on the platform, doing something on the computer.

"We live here." Leo and I both replied back at the same time.

"We're the ones you didn't cobble together in your basement." Leo added, gesturing with his tissue welding hand.

"I mean why aren't you guys at school?" Davenport said, standing up from his desk chair as we both walked over.

"Got a little head cold. I sneezed in class, and I don't know what came out, but I walked out two pounds lighter." Leo explained before Davenport then looked to me.

"Headache. I passed out and fell out of my desk in second period." I explained through a stuffy nose. Davenport grimaced for us before Tasha came walking in through the door by the stairs.

"Donald, I think something's wrong with your credit card. When I went to buy groceries it was declined." She explained as she joined us by the desk.

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