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I stared at the ceiling above my bed, unable to think of anything other than Chase. I hadn't slept all night and it was already seven. I groaned and brought my hands up to my face, covering it. I had no idea what to do.

He'd kissed me and then ran off. Fighting with myself for a few minutes, I finally got out of bed and texted Bree. I told her to come upstairs and even added an SOS. Not even a second later, she was in my room, followed by a gust of wind. I walked over to the door and gently closed it behind her.

"What's up? You're up way earlier than normal." She observed, still in her pajamas like I was.

"Uh." I started, unable to think on my feet with everything running through my head. "I just need help with something." I told her and motioned for her to sit down. I knew I couldn't tell her the whole truth, but I need help. As I thought, I began pacing.

"Stas, what's going on?" She asked as I still paced in front of her. I let out a breath and shook my head.

"I, well, my friend has this problem." I began, still pacing a little. "See she sorta likes this guy, but she can't be with him because he's her best friend's brother. But this wasn't any bad news since he didn't even see her like that, you know? But they got into a fight and all of a sudden, he kisses her and tells her how jealous he was of a different guy she used to hang out with. And she doesn't know what to do because she might like him but she shouldn't and yea. That's what's happening with her." I rambled to Bree. She was silent for a second as I finally stopped pacing to look at her, a smile tugging on her lips. "What?" I asked.

"We both know I'm your only friend." She told me as her smile got wider.

"No. I have..." I trailed off. She was right. She waited for a moment before her smile completely broke out.

"Oh, my gosh! You kissed Chase!" I immediately slapped my hand over her mouth.

"Are you crazy! You can't go around screaming that at the top of your lungs!" I told her as I slowly removed my hand from her mouth.

"Sorry, sorry." She apologized. "I'm so excited though! Well, I mean ew but, you know. So, I don't get the problem." She admitted as I played with the hem of my shirt.

"I don't know if I like him. And I don't know what he's thinking. He literally kissed me and ran. That can't be good." I explained and she looked at me like I was crazy. "What now?" I asked through a groan.

"Annie," She began, bringing out the nickname. "I've see the way you look at him, and the way you talk to him. I mean think about it. You might have thought you liked Marcus, but come on. You're smarter than that." I took a moment, trying to think. I always laughed the hardest with Chase, and he always made me smile. My heart always raced when he was close and I had a hard time looking away from him.

"Oh, shit." I said as my eyes widened. "You're right."

"I know." She smiled again with a shrug. "Who else have you told about this?"

"No one. Not even Leo." With that, she pulled me into a hug.

"I love knowing things before him. When are you gonna tell him?" She asked and choked laugh came out of my throat as she let me go.

"Never." I stated. "And if anyone asks, this never happened." I added sternly.

"What? Are you not gonna do anything about this?" Bree asked, surprised.

"Nope, I'm gonna pretend like it never happened. I mean, that's what he wants." I shrugged, remembering how quickly he had left after he kissed me.


"We're gonna be in so much trouble with Mr. Davenport." Chase told us as we got to the front door. I some how had successfully avoided chase all day even at the party we had gone too, making us miss our curfew by two hours because we lost track of time. Oh, and Adam. We looked for him every where for twenty minutes and we finally found him in the pool in a floaty, goggles, and arm floaties, fully clothed.  "We're two hours past curfew, the lights are already off, and Adam's soaking wet." Chase explained as if we didn't already know. Bree walked past Leo and I who were the farthest from the door, and up to Chase who was next to it.

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