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"Did you guys see the year book?" Chase asked as he shoved himself in between Leo, Adam, and I. He was holding an identical yearbook to the one Adam was showing Leo and I. We were standing in the main hall, next to where Bree and a guy she liked sat on the circular bench. "Everybody but me got a 'most likely too'! Even Leo!" He told us and Leo snatched the yearbook from him.

"What? Let me see that." Leo said as he looked for himself. "Most likely never to get a 'most likely'." He read. His smile was huge. "I'm on the board!"

"Yea, checks out." I nodded before taking the book. "Did I get one?"

"Yep." Leo said as he pointed to mine. I smiled at my yearbook picture. For the first time since, well, ever, I had taken a good photo. My gaze traveled to below it and my smile disappeared.

"Most likely to be alone after high school?" I read out loud with a frown. "Are they even aloud to have that in here?" I asked and Leo shrugged.

"At least you have one." Chase told me with a shake of his head. I shoved the book back into his hands.

"I'd rather not have one at all then be told something like this." I replied crossing my arms. "Not that I care." I quickly added. It really had bothered me, but I wasn't going to let it show.

"Yea... sure." Leo raised a brow at me and I looked to Chase. He was giving me some odd look as well. Chase looked away from me before dropping his hands to his sides.

"Well, that proves it. I'm completely invisible at this school." Chase sighed.

"Chase, that's not true." Adam assured him. "If you were invisible, I couldn't do this." He added before hitting punching Chase in the shoulder. Chase gripped his shoulder in pain before Leo shoved his yearbook at him. Chase took it and glared at Adam as he walked away.

"Chase, just because you weren't nominated doesn't mean you're invisible." Bree told him from her place on the bench.

"Oh, really? Yea?" Chase said as he opened the year book and held it backwards to show Bree. "What's this? Chip Davenport. I'm a misnamed question mark!" He shouted before slamming the book closed.

"Listen up, snot buckets! Don't forget to sign up for the annual mission creek high talent show." Perry said as she walked briskly out of the gym and up to us. She was holding the large sign up sheet in her hands. "Auditions are after school, and will be judged by moi. Chances are that if I don't like you you won't get through, and I don't like any of you, so good luck." She gave us a smile, one that I'd see too many times already, and walked over to the locker next to the gym doors to hang up the sign up sheet.

"Talent shows are wrong!" Bree's almost boyfriend said as he stood up and pointed a pen at Perry. He walked to her, pen still out stretched. Bree was standing now too, hugging her note book to her chest. "There are no winners or losers in creative expression." He explained softly, earning a scoff from Perry.

"Stick a paint brush in it, emo sabe." Perry rolled her eyes at him before walking into the gym.

"I refuse to stand by while that woman crushes the artistic souls of our student body." He said as he turned around, looking shocked as if Perry hadn't done things like this every time she had the chance. We all stood there, staring at him. "I'm gonna go sketch my feelings!" He shouted before storming off with his sketch book in hand.

"He's so tortured." Bree sighed happily as she watched him leave. Her head turned back to us with a freakish smile. "Isn't it great?" She walked off with that same smile still glued to her.

"That was..." I began, but couldn't find the words.

"Odd?" Leo offered.

"Peculiar?" Chase offered as well.

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