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I was in the lab with Chase, Leo, and Davenport as Leo ran around the lab, oohing and ahhing at the tech. Leos eyes were wide, taking in all the cool stuff Davenport was setting up for no apparent reason. Davenport was at the island counter, wearing goggles on his forehead and working on something I couldn't recognize. I was sitting in a rolly chair behind Davenport, watching Leo. Chase was messing with some large machine on the other side of the lab, doing who knows what to the machine.

"Ooh." Leo gawked at a metal thing on a stand before running to the other. "Ah." He stared at a round metal ball that was sitting on an identical stand as the last object. "What's this?" Leo laughed in awe before running over to the desk picking something up, making Davenport run over to him.

"Hey, that's uh part of my put that down collection." Davenport told Leo as he grabbed whatever Leo was holding out of his hands and setting it back down on the desk.

"Oh, sweet pen." Leo said after picking up a small metal pen, unable to keep his hands to himself.

"It's not a pen. It's a highly pressurized air canister that can inflate a blimp in eight point six seconds." Davenport explained to Leo who examined the 'pen' intensely.

"This little thing?" Leo asked and Davenport hummed and nodded. "Impossible." He disagreed before pressing the end of the pen, making air blow out of it. Chase was now near me trying to get to Leo as I tried to shove my hair out of my face. I got up from my chair once I could see and struggled against the wind to get to Leo. Davenport grabbed the pen from Leo and closed it. We all let out a gasp in unison, standing next to eachother for a moment.

"You might wanna put a little warning sign on that." Leo told Davenport as he glared at him.

"Don't you think him telling you what it does should be enough?" I asked Leo sarcastically, earning a look from Leo.

"So, what're you having? A garage sale for geeks?" Leo questioned Davenport, ignoring my question. Davenport fake laughed for a moment before abruptly stopping.

"No. We are preparing for..." Davenport paused a moment. "The call" He said dramatically. Making a show out of swinging his head to the side.

"Once a year, Mr. Davenport and I present his newest devices to all the international buyers. In other words..."

"Ka-Ching!" Chase and Davenport exclaimed together before doing a weird handshake. Before they could end it, Leo jumped in and made a weird blubbering noise. They both stopped and stared at him.

"What are you doing?" Chase asked him and he drops his hands.

"I wanna be in on... the call." Leo replied, mimicking how Davenport had been when he said 'the call'.

"Yea, sorry, Leo. There's no more room. I'm already the product specialist, the set designer, chief demonstrator, and insanely happy spokesmodel." Chase told Leo before demonstrating his spokesmodel persona, putting his palms out and smiling widely.

"You gotta give it to him, he's got the creepy part down." I nodded and smiled at Chase when he looked up at me, annoyed.

"Although, there might be a role for Leo. As long as someone follows him around everywhere he goes with a fire extinguisher." Davenport told us before walking away.

"But Mr. Davenport, I'm way better at selling this stuff than Leo." Chase argued, following Davenport, leaving Leo and I still standing by the desk.

"Please. I could sell nunchucks to a nun named chuck." Leo told them bluntly with his head turned slightly to the side. "I could sell this thing without even knowing what it is." He continued, walking over to a metal rod and beginning to model it.

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