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"Woo-hoo! Yea!" Adam cheered as him, Bree, and Chase walked into the lab from the back entrance. They were in their mission suits, just getting back from an important mission. When Leo and I saw them, we got up from our mission specialist desks and walked to the middle of the lab.

"Guys, that was awesome." Leo complemented as they walked farther in.

"You guys did great." I added, smiling at them.

"You just prevented the biggest oil spill in history." Leo told them as if they didn't already know, a grin plastered on his face.

"Pretty slick, huh?" Chase replied with that familiar cheesy smile.

"If only we could've prevented that disaster of a pun." Leo told him with a fake smile. I pressed my lips together and walked closer to Chase, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Lay off the puns." I told him with a mocking sad face. He smirked at me and shook his head.

"You love my puns." He said with a tilt of his head. I rolled my eyes.

"No, I do not. They're cheesy." I replied with a shake of my head as I took my arm off his shoulder. He looked at me for a minute, just standing there.

"No need to lie, Stassie. I know you love it." He gave me a devilish grin, making me unable to keep the smile off my face.

"Alright, alright. We get it already!" Adam interrupted. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly and stepped back to stand next to Leo. Leo then grabbed my wrist and dragged me back to our desks.

"Hey, Mr. Davenport." I heard Bree say from behind me, prompting Davenport to walk over to them. "Anything you'd like to say to us, rhymes with good job?" She hinted to him as Leo and I sat down in our chairs, turning to face them. Adam leaned into Davenport.

"The answer's in the clue." He very loudly whispered. Adam had absolutely no volume awareness. Just the other day in math, he had leaned over to me while we were taking a test and practically shouted at me, asking for the answer to one of the questions. Long story short, Adam and I went to the principals office and have to retake our math test next week.

"What were you guys thinking?" Davenport loudly scolded, earning a laugh from Adam.

"Nope. Not even close. Two more guesses." Adam replied happily. Davenport scoffed and shook his head before turning his attention to Bree and Chase.

"You completely ignored my mission plan, improvised everything, and jeopardized the entire mission." Davenport reprimanded harshly, walking toward the capsules as he held his little iPad.

"Don't you want them to be able to think on their feet? I thought that was the point of training." I argued from my seat, my feet resting on the side of Leo's chair. Davenport sent me a long glare, pausing by the capsule control panel.

"Yes, but not when I have a mission plan. They should listen to me first and foremost." Davenport replied, his tone unfriendly.

"Mr. Davenport, we bust our butts all the time. And all you ever do is sit around the lab making lists of what we did wrong." Chase fought as the three of them walked closer to Davenport. Each of them still had their equipment slung around their shoulders.

"I do not just stand around making lists of things you did wrong." Davenport disagreed as he hid his iPad in his arms, obviously realizing it was a list of things they did wrong.

"That's true." Leo told them as he smacked my feet off his chair harshly. I mumbled an insult but crossed my legs. "He also practices tai quan do in his tighty whities." He added, and we both pretended to gag. Actually, I'm not sure we were pretending. Davenport scoffed as he looked up at the ceiling.

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