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I was walking down the science hall with Leo, trying to meet up with Adam, Bree, and Chase before our next class. The passing Periods had been extended this year, thank God. When we entered the main hall, we saw Adam and Chase sitting on the circular bench with a guy I hadn't seen before.

"Hey, peeps." Leo started as we got to the group. I cringed at what he said, wanting to make a good impression on this guy. Especially since he was cute. "What's the dealio?" I rolled my eyes at Leo before noticing that the guy was holding a guitar.

"Hi, I'm Marcus." He held his hand out for Leo to shake.

"I know. We have gym together." Leo told him, eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm Anastasia. But you can call me Stas. If you want." I rambled, a bit nervous. After Leo denied his hand, I took it.

"Nice to meet you, Stas." Marcus smiled at me and I smiled back, dropping his hand. When I looked over at Adam and Chase, they were both giving me weird looks. I shrugged at them with wide eyes. Leo reached out and gave Marcus a fist bump, not done with telling him all the classes they had together.

"And study hall. And also chemistry." Marcus gave him a look, eyebrows raised. "We're lab partners." Leo said, a bit more annoyance in his voice this time.

"Oh. I... did not know that." Marcus said and I rolled my eyes.

"Leo, give him a break. He's new." I lightly nudged Leo with my elbow. This earned me a glare from him.

"Thank you, Stas." Marcus nodded, giving me another smile before turning to Chase, who had a scowl on his face. "Chase, you ever played guitar?" He asked him, ignoring the look on is face.

"No, but I've always wanted to." Chase replied, his face back to normal now.

"Well, I'm a jammer as well." Leo jumped in. "My rocking is only eclipsed by my rolling." I frowned. Leo had the musical talent of a man with no limbs.

"Leo, your mom said you played the clarinet for three weeks until you swallowed the reed." Chase replied, titling his head towards Leo.

"I passed it." Leo said defensively.

"What about you, Stas? You ever played?" Marcus asked me, making a small amount of red tint my cheeks. I don't know what is was about him that was making me so nervous, but for some reason it also felt wrong.

"Oh, no. My mom tried to get me to play the piano once but I refused." I mentally slapped myself for adding in such a useless fact.

"Would you want to try? I could help you." Marcus offered, making the tips of my ears grow hot. I looked to Chase who was looking at Marcus like he'd kicked a puppy. Looking back at Marcus, I answered.

"Ok, as long as you-"

"Actually, could I?" Chase interrupted me. I looked to Leo and then to Adam, wondering if they found it weird as well. But their faces were neutral, making me feel like I was just imagining it. I wasn't sure why Chase wouldn't like Marcus, or why he wouldn't want me talking to him, they had just met.

Marcus handed Chase the guitar and he put it on. My jaw hit the floor when Chase began playing perfectly, like he'd played for years. He then slid onto his knees, still playing the guitar so well, I was sure he had played before. The sight shocked me, and for some reason, I couldn't look away. And I had to admit, he looked damn good doing it. But that was subjective, any guy with a guitar looked good, right? Chase stood up, eyes wide as he looked around at all of us.

"Uh, what do you know?" Chase said as he started taking the guitar off. "Beginners luck." He shoved the guitar at Marcus who gently took it back.

"If that's beginner level, I want to see you play." I said to Marcus, and I meant it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chase roll his eyes.

 || incandescent || Chase Davenport fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora