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"Hey, guys." Leo said to Adam, Bree, and Chase as the two of us walked into the lab, stepping over Davenport who was lying on the ground. "How'd the mission go?" Leo asked them as we stopped in the middle of the room next to them.

"Great. We fixed the pentagon's communication satellite and returned it to orbit." Bree explained as she walked closer to Leo and I.

"I even rigged it so we get every TV Chanel in the world!" Chase added excitedly, making me smile along with him. "Who wants to watch Guatemalan drag racing?" He asked the group enthusiastically.

"Oh, I'm down for that." I said and he smiled at me, making my cheeks heat. I quickly looked to Leo, avoiding whatever feeling I just experienced.

"Did my suggestions come in handy on the mission?" Leo asked with a huge grin. He had been so excited when he gave a list of ideas to Davenport. All Leo wanted was to feel included, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"What suggestions?" Chase asked, pointing a finger at Leo. I frowned.

"I did a ton of strategic research and gave it to Big d." Leo explained as he walked over to the desk where Davenport was standing as he typed something into the computer.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry, Leo, I didn't have time to use it." Davenport apologized.

"Yes, you did." Adam laughed. "You spilled your coffee and used Leo's research to mop it up." He clarified. My eyebrows furrowed as we all walked over to them.

"You used my suggestions as a sponge?" Leo asked, obviously angry.

"More like a paper towel." Davenport defended. "But it was very absorbent! Why don't you guys and clear out the rest of your gear." Davenport shoed Adam, Bree, and Chase from the group.

"We need to talk." Leo told him and I followed the two as they walked to one of the lab tables. "I'm done being the water boy. I wanna be part of the team."

"He had some actually good suggestions in there. Maybe you'd know that if you'd read them." I agreed. Davenport shot me a glare that I returned.

"Leo, I told you, you can't be part of the team. You're not bionic." I'd heard Davenport explain this to us a million times, and each time it upset me. "And besides, statistics show that most accidents happen within a three feet radius of you two."

"Okay, that one we can't argue with." I nodded. "But Leo's smart and has good ideas. He doesn't have to go to missions, just hear him out once in a while." I countered.

"Yea, and I've grown. I've matured. I wear a medium now." Leo argued as we walked with Davenport over to the island table. "Look, I know I can't go on missions, but like Stas said, I can help you in other ways. You keep ignoring me!" Leo said when Davenport wouldn't look at him.

"Hmm?" Davenport said as he finally looked up. I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry. You know what? Maybe there is a way you can help out around here." He finally said.

"Finally, thank you." Leo said, relieved he finally got his point across. Davenport then bent down and grabbed something out of the cabinet before slamming it on the desk in front of Leo. It was a binder stuffed full of paper work.

"Here. You can type up the mission summary reports." Davenport started to walk away as I glowered at him.

"You want me to be your secretary?" Leo asked, sounding offended. Davenport walked back over.

"No. Secretaries get paid. You'd be doing this for free." Davenport patted Leo on the back before leaving the lab.


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