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"Adam, that was the rebel leader. The whole purpose of todays mission simulation was to interrogate him." Davenport scolded Adam as they stepped down from a large circular platform and took their glasses off. I stood next to Leo at the counter in the lab. Adam, Bree, and Chase had been training all morning. I hadn't found it as entertaining as Leo had, so I brought my book and set it down when the simulation was over. They were wearing their mission suits that they had gotten for their first mission. I hadn't liked the upgrade, or the ones before, but I knew to keep my mouth shut.

"I did, and his answer was, 'ahhh!'" Adam told Davenport while dramatically swinging his arms around.

"Hey, next time could you maybe throw in a cute, blue eyed rebel?" Bree asked Davenport and I grinned at her.

"Preferably with dark hair." I agreed and Bree smiled at me. Davenport glared at the two of us, mostly at Bree.

"What? I'm just sayin'. It's not gonna kill you to add a little somethin' somethin' for the ladies." Bree shrugged at him but got no reply. I looked over to Adam and Chase who stood on the other side of Leo. Adam had his towel around his neck and was grabbing both ends while Chases towel laid over his shoulder as he touched his hair for a moment.

"Step aside, amateurs." Leo said, shoving Adam and Chase out of his way. "Go ahead, big D. Set it to Awesome." Leo told him as he put on a pair of glasses and stepped up on the platform and put his hands on his hips. Adam, Bree, and Chase walked over to the glass table and took seats as Davenport walled to Leo.

"Leo, these goggles are not a toy." Davenport scolded, getting up on the platform and taking the glasses off Leo.

"Come on." Leo complained. "My birthday's coming up, globally known as 'dia de Leo.'' I scoffed loudly and he shot me a death glare.

"No. I designed the mission simulator to fine tune their bionics, not go on three D joy rides. Besides, you're not trained for it." Davenport told Leo before stepping off the platform but Leo followed him.

"Well, how about as a birthday gift, you give me a bionic ability?" Leo asked and I audibly laughed this time.

"Sorry, there was no stopping that." I told the two of them and Davenport frowned at Leo.

"Or I could gift wrap reality and you could play with that for a while." Davenport said sarcastically and put a hand on Leo's shoulder before walking away.

"So Leo's having a birthday. What are you, like nine?" Chase asked Leo as him and his siblings stood from their seats and walked over to where Leo was standing. Feeling left out, I walked over from my place by the counter. Leo stared at Chase blankly before replying.

"Fourteen." Leo told him flatly. Adam, Bree, and Chase laughed a moment before Chase stopped.

"No, seriously." Chase said, and him and Leo just stared at each other.

"So how are you gonna celebrate?" Bree asked Leo.

"We're all going to celebrate." Leo smiled, thinking about his big birthday bash he always got. "Every year my mom throws me a big surprise party." Leos grin met his ears. He'd always loved when people ask about his birthday. I loved his birthday too, but mainly for the cake.

"Really?" Adam asked excitedly.

"Last year she baked a cake the size of me." Leo told them and I nodded.

"That cake was so good. I think about it everyday." I told them, agreeing with Leo.

"I'm not gonna brag, but I was delicious." Leo nodded along with me.


A few hours later, we were still in the lab. Davenport and Leo were doing something on the computer and I was standing behind them. Adam, Bree, and Chase were all sitting on the counter, talking about who knows what. Leo hadn't shut up about his birthday party until Davenport had come down, to which I was thankful.

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