Chapter 61

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My insides burned and I groaned in agony as the pain spread everywhere. The sharp blade of the knife stroked my lungs every time I tried to breathe. My teeth clenched tight and my hands curled into fists as I leaned forward. Till date, I didn't knew how terrible it was to get stab until tonight, until there was a cold knife plunged into my back.

It happened slowly in front of me. Elijah's arms came around me while Dion rose up from the ground. I could see his wolf surfacing as the seconds began to pass by. The woman sitting in front of me screamed at the horror she had seen and she stood up, backing toward the tree.

I didn't manage to see the man who had stabbed me as he stood behind, but everyone else saw him.

"What have you done, Elias?" The woman screamed, taking his name and her hands went over her mouth.

My vision blurred. I tried to focus on my breathing, and bear the pain that had consumed me.

"What needed to be done," The man behind replied, tension in his voice as I could hear his footsteps fading back from me. "She's going to cause a lot of trouble and she has to die before she does."

Sweat formed on my forehead and I grabbed Elijah's arm for support before I could fall on my head, hard and drop unconscious. It was the only thing my mind was signaling me to do. The ground beneath me trembled as Elijah whispered something under his breath. The roots surfaced, raising higher from the ground and creating a protective barrier behind me, a solid wall.

Magic slammed, but didn't reach me.

"Kill him, Dion." I heard Elijah say.

My head turned to the right where I found Dion's eyes flashing with fury before his wolf took over completely. With a fierce snarl, he launched himself at the man behind me who wasn't stopping. The barrier grew, surrounding me completely as I remained on the ground. The woman near the tree stepped forward and shook her head.

"No, don't kill him." She cried out.

"Shut up," Elijah raised his hand and twisted his fingers. In a span of a few seconds, the woman fell onto the ground, her eyes white and rolled back. "It's going to be fine." He reassured before wrapping his hand around the knife to pull it out.

"No," I choked out. "It's going to kill me."

"It won't." Without a warning, he pulled the knife out of my back, cutting my skin again.

Warm blood dripped down my back and I winched in pain while sinking my fingernails into his arm to subside some of it. It didn't help much. I watched, my vision fading in and out as Elijah worked his magic to heal me. The pain began to recede, replaced by a warm, soothing sensation and for a moment I thought it was all gone, until it wasn't.

"It's not healing," His hand parted from my back, covered in blood. "Fuck." He growled, appearing raged. His eyes rushed around, watching everyone that was nearby.

He snaked his arms around me and carried me up from the ground. The barrier behind me broke, but before I could see Dion or the man who had attacked me, Elijah whispered something under his breath and we vanished into thin air. My mind buzzed with fear and pain. I clutched onto his shoulder for support as he stopped in a clearing, one I had seen before.

It was the same place where we had stopped first.

The silence was never-ending here. The sounds of that woman's scream and the growls of Dion had long gone. My eyes went to the sky above me, filled with stars. As I gazed at the glittering constellations, my thoughts became chaotic, my heart hammering in my chest. Elijah's arms around me felt like a lifeline, his touch reassuring and comforting. He set me down gently on the ground and placed his both hands inches above my stomach.

His eyes shut and he began murmuring in a different language. The pulsing of my heart was loud enough to conceal his voice.

He tried healing me with magic again, and it didn't work.

"It's not going to," I whispered, my breaths short. "Magic isn't going to heal me." The more he tried, the worse the pain got.

The world around me seemed to blur and shift, the trees and rocks and stars blending in a dizzying kaleidoscope.

"No, no, don't close your eyes." His hand went underneath my neck and he slipped me over his lap as he remained seated on the fairly dry ground.

"It's hurting, Elijah."

"I know." He nodded with concentration and placed his free hand over the wound, stopping the blood from spilling anymore.

My shirt was soaked wet. I could feel it along with the stench of blood. I turned my head around, groaning in pain while my eyes began shutting. Elijah stiffened and grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't close your eyes," He repeated, a warning setting off in his tone. "Stay awake."

Dion's wolf tore through the darkness and appeared in front of me. He shifted under the moonlight. His canines, soaked in blood, shortened and his sharp claws that carried the flesh and blood of that man who stabbed me shifted.

"What's happening?" He asked, reaching near me.

"She's not healing," Elijah kept his hand on my back, over the wound, but it didn't help with the pain. "Take my phone from my pocket. Tell Callan to come here. My magic isn't going to heal her, but his blood might."

"How bad is it?" Dion took out phone and began calling without wasting another second.

"I haven't seen it."

"We are too far deep in the north. It will surely take some time for him to find—" He stopped when the call was picked up. "Vivian's injured, and she's not healing. Come to the mountains. I'll send you the location."

Their voices echoed through my ears, but my mind was consumed by the pain. It felt like a thousand knives were stabbing me at once, the agony too intense to bear. Even when the knife had been removed, I could still feel it inside me which made me assume it was spelled.

Elijah's grip my face tightened, "Don't you dare close your eyes."

I could feel my consciousness slipping away, the darkness closing in around me. I tried to fight it, to cling to the last vestiges of life, but it was like trying to hold onto sand slipping through my fingers.

"We have to get out of here. I killed two of their witches. They are going to come looking for us. The car isn't too far, and Callan can meet us there." Dion suggested, pacing back and forth near me.

"No, tell him to come here. It's going to hurt her if we keep moving."

"But the witches—"

"Like I give a damn about witches. There are in no comparison to me. I'll kill every last one of them if I have to," He snapped. "Tell him to come here and make it fast."

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