Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I sat on the ground, regaining my strength as it all had been drained away. I never expected tonight to twist in such a terrible way. My entire dress was ruined, and there were splatters of blood all over me, covering my face and hands while the truth was going to come to light.

My chest heaved as I stared at the men in front of me, the men that were going to lead me to my death.

"My grandfather put a curse on my mother, taking away all of her powers and magic, but he connected the curse with us, therefore the mark we all share." Elijah said, and it made me wonder what else he knew.

I couldn't run, let alone stand up.

"What does it mean?" Callan asked, and it seemed as if they knew each other for long. "Is she going to kill us to get her magic back?"

"I don't know," There was at least something he was clueless about. His attention shifted to me. "But she does. She's surely working with her and has entrapped both of you, two of the four cursed men."

"You're reaching, Elijah. She doesn't know all of this. She doesn't even know what the mark means." Callan shook his head while his arms folded across his chest.

"That's what you think. Do you not believe she has spelled you?" He asked him.

I bit the inside of the cheek and prayed it wasn't going to turn out the way I imagined it to.

Callan's gaze fell on me, and worry appeared in his eyes before he looked back at him. "I don't believe so. She wouldn't—"

"She already has," Elijah stated. "Why do you think I'm here? Do you really think I want to return back here after everything that happened thirty years ago?" He asked, brows closing in anger.

Wait. What happened thirty years ago?


"I sensed someone doing magic on me, black magic and when I tapped into it, it led me here, to her. She has done the same to both of you and you're completely trapped in her spell." He explained word by word, leaving nothing—no mercy for me.

The room became silent as did all the men standing in front of me. I rested my head back against the wall, frustrated at myself, at what I had done.

Callan approached me, surprised at what he learned. "Is that what you wanted to tell when you came to me that night?"

I nodded slowly, tears starting to form in my eyes. I didn't want to hurt him. Not him. "I didn't know what the curse meant, I swear. She would've killed me if I didn't do this for her. She knew I was practicing black magic and she told me she'd protect me if I'd give her the names of the men who carried the mark of the pentacle."

Elijah sneered at me. "Don't believe anything she says. She's a witch, Callan. Your first mistake was even mingling with one knowing how filthy they can get."

Callan's expression hardened, and his eyes narrowed before he looked away from me without even saying anything. My heart twisted at his disappointment. Guilt began to eat me from inside. I betrayed him when he only cared for me.

"Do whatever you want to do with her. Kill her or not, it's not any of my concern." Callan said, his voice cold and distant. He walked away from me, but still remained in the room.

I felt my heart shatter at his words. I had truly lost him before I even got him, and it was all because of myself. I couldn't blame anyone. I should've told Callan when I had the chance to do so.

"I'm going to take her with me and force the truth out of her. My mother can't know what I came here for or where she disappeared off to because she will look for her and I don't want to raise any attention," Elijah stated, looking at either of them. "I don't know what the curse is about, whether breaking it is going to kill us or not."

"Would it?" Dion cocked a brow after breaking his silence.

It was going to.

"It might. My mother wants her magic back and she has been waiting to do this for long. I wouldn't get anything past her," Elijah approached me, reaching closer and closer till he was standing above me, only a few inches away. "Where is she staying?" He asked them, knowing I wasn't going to answer him after all he had done to me.

"At the court," Callan responded from afar. "It's fine. I'll cover up for her disappearance." His voice was different, cold, and full of wrath.

"I don't want to go. Not with you." I spat out while looking at the man standing in front of me.

"You don't have a choice." He grabbed my elbow, forcing me up on my feet.

I instantly retorted, trying to free myself from him, and for a minute I did, but he held me again, this time roughly.

"Don't try to fucking fight me," He reached in close and whispered in my ear. "You're in no comparison to me and get that through your head. I've lived for more than a hundred years and I've killed thousands of people like you." His face neared mine and I rose my head to meet his eyes.

My jaw clamped shut while my nostrils flared.

"Over my dead body I'll go anywhere with you."

His shoulders tightened as he leveled his face with mine. "That would be far better," He smirked at me. "To simply kill you rather than waste another second letting you live."

"But you'd never know what the outcome of the ritual is going to be, or when it's going to happen." I cocked a brow and smiled at him.

His mouth lined straight, turning into a frown at my response. I knew what the outcome of the ritual was going to be and I assumed it was going to take place on the hundredth death anniversary of Stephan Sven, the man who had placed the curse.

My eyes shifted from him and to Callan as he neared me.

"Go with him, Vivian."

"I don't want to. I'll do anything else, but I don't want to go anywhere with him. Please." I pleaded, fear in my tone and words.

"It will be fine, probably better if you do. He's not going to harm you," Callan glanced at Elijah and said, "Don't harm her."

He smiled hard, still holding my arm tight. "Of course, I won't."

The cruel one enters.....

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