Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


What I had done?

I pressed the curtains shut as sunlight threatened to storm inside the room. It was the middle of the day and to my surprise, when I woke up, Callan was still here, watching me sleep. It all felt like a dream until I to see him beside my bed, sitting with a grin on his face and a reason he couldn't leave.

The sun had risen only moments after I finished. He couldn't leave the house without burning himself so I let him stay till the night would fall. It gave me an opportunity at the same time to inquire about his mark more and find the reason why he was chosen.

I didn't spend a moment against the mirror. I couldn't meet my own eyes after what I had begged for last night. It was wild, but thrilling at the same time.

His touch, it was so warm yet so cold. I craved more—for whatever was out there.

"You're rather flushed today," My mother said, entering the kitchen as I warmed water over the stove.

I looked away from her as well, "The night went well," I replied while pouring the water into two cups, one for myself and one for Callan. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it out of the kitchen without my mother noticing. Quickly, I came up with something and turned to tell her. "If you're free, I need some things from the post office. Could you get them from me? I'm going to be occupied today."

"Of course. I'll go get my bag!" She nodded before heading back into her room.

Looping my fingers around the cup, I quickly grabbed them off the counter and headed upstairs, back into my room. My eyes drifted around, finding Callan and he was seated on the opposite end of the window, waiting for me to return.

"Took you a while."

My heart rate kicked up at the sound of his voice. Why was it affecting me so greatly?

I lined my lips straight and offered him the coffee I had made. "My mother is going to leave in a bit and then, you can stay downstairs till it gets dark," I walked over to the window and peeked behind the curtains to find the sun still blazing brightly and straight into my eyes. My gaze lowered to the car parked ahead. "Is the black car yours?"

"Yes," Callan responded, "I had to report back in court the night before, but someone has surely bewitched me."

"I didn't do anything," I mumbled while feeling the guilt bubble again once more.

"Don't lie to me, little witch."

My insides churned whenever he called me that. His voice was rough with a lace of sick, dark humor edging his every word.

I turned away from the window and sat at the edge of my bed, curious about the man I had already let between my legs. "What do you do in court?" I asked.

His eyes, now the normal shade of blue, hung over me before he answered, "I handle matters of night-eaters and ensure peace in the realm."

"So you answer to the Queen?"

"Yes," He smiled, again and every time he did, I was at a loss for words. "Why are you curious?"

I looked away. His gaze was penetrating. My tongue ran over my lips and I said with a deep breath, "Just like that. I haven't been to court before, but I did attend the first winter ball. Since you're from the court, you must've been there, right?"

He nodded, "Though, you wouldn't have seen me. I was occupied that night, indulging in several."

"Several?" I choked on my breath and watched him as he placed the cup of coffee down.

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