Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

The rain fell harder outside as the last dance approached. My fingers intertwined with Dion's as we moved to the dance floor with several other couples who were shifting to the other one after the first tune of the song being played by the orchestra ended. His fingers tightened around mine while his hand fell over my hip.

"By the way, if I haven't already told you, you look beautiful tonight." He whispered in my ear while my face was only inches away from his chest.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome as well."

We moved in harmony, and as we danced, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fleeting joy. For a moment, everything was forgotten. I lost myself in the music. My eyes locked with his, full of warmth and affection. My heart swelled and I smiled while moving my feet over the dance floor.

Even when I didn't know how to dance, tonight I did.

Until, Dion's fingers slipped from mine and went to intertwine with another woman's. A man came, dancing with me, and I did without thinking of anything. It was all well until the minute ended and I was passed onto the next one.

My chest went completely tight and I struggled for air as a rough hand held mine in his hold. Eyes met with his smoldering gray ones and I shuddered in fear. Ragged breaths left my throat as the tips of my fingers went cold. My head slowly lowered in realization of what I had collided with and I turned, hoping to find someone for help.

"Don't say a word." I heard his voice near my ear, his fingers digging deep into my hands as he moved me around the dance floor.

It felt like life had been completely sucked out of me and there was nothing left inside me. Fear trembled deep in my belly. I could feel his threatening energy surround me, grasping me from every side. When the minute ended, he didn't let me go. His hold became tight, frightening.

My palms slicked with sweat as I slowly turned my head around to find someone. Dion was a distance away from me, dancing with another woman. He couldn't see me through the crowd.

As the women on the dance floor spun, so did I. The man's hands went to my arms, and my heart thudded.

With horror in my eyes, I surveyed the area for an escape, or anything.

Just as my lips parted, his head lowered to my ear and he whispered. "Don't even try to make a sound," One of his hands came around my throat, tightening. "You've seen what I've done to you. It wouldn't even take me a minute to drop your dead body on this same dance floor and trust me, not would bat an eye at me." There was a clear warning in his tone.

His words made me shudder in fear. My stomach turned and twisted while I turned back to him. My face nearly met with his chest and I inhaled deeply, taking in his violent, dark scent that reminded me of nothing but death.

He wore a black shirt, his hair ruffled and his frame muscular. I barely met with his chest, but it didn't take me long to identify him. He was the same man I had seen moments ago, with the Queen and Dion told me it was her son.

"Come with me. Quietly." He stated while giving me a short tug.

My muscles locked along with my feet. I didn't move an inch, knowing well what was going to happen to me. "No." I shook my head, my voice breaking.

My mother always told me one thing—never do bad to others because karma was something real and it was always going to return and bite your ass.

His hand moved to my neck, cupping it before he pressed his thumb over my windpipe. The lump of fear grew and I shuddered again. There were only a few minutes more to the dance before it was going to end. I could escape, run anywhere, but only if this man let me.

He didn't slip, he was sharp, sharper than I thought.

"Don't try me again. I'll spill your blood right here. You've no idea who I am." He grabbed my arm, holding it tight before turning around and taking me along with him.

I tried to slow down on my feet, but his hold was strong. We slipped out from the dance floor and through the crowd. No one bat an eye. I felt my energy draining as if he was just taking me out of here, but taking something out of me as well. Pain spread through my head. I kept looking around for a familiar face, for anyone but there was no one.

The instrumental music lingered in the air as I continued to walk. It began to fade soon as we left the ballroom. Just outside, there were several people standing and chattering but none of them glanced in my direction as I was being tugged away to my doom.

My arm ached with his hold. He dragged me behind the large spiral staircase and straight into an empty room only a small distance away from the ballroom.

Chandeliers hung from the ceiling of the room. There was nothing inside but bland walls and a couple of tables covered in white cloth sitting at the corner, piled over one another. The door slammed shut and the loud thud echoed in my ears.

At the same time, I was freed from his hold, able to run but there was nowhere to go. There was only one window inside the room but the tables covered it. Panic rushed in my bloodstream as I stood still with him circling around me.

Under the lights, I saw his face filled with nothing but evil.

His hands went to his back as he stood in front of me, "Is it my mother you're working for?" He asked, his voice now loud compared to what I heard before, at the dance floor.

I shook my head, "I'm not working for anyone. I don't know what you're talking—"

He cut me off, nearing me. "You know well what I'm talking about. Don't even think for a second you've outsmarted me. Tell me the truth or smear your blood on these walls," There was nothing on his face, just a blank expression that I couldn't study. He walked around before standing behind me. "Your silence isn't giving me any answers. Tell me who you're working for because surely you wouldn't be able to do all that magic by yourself, without someone's protection."

He spoke about the dark magic I had done. On him, and on others.

I didn't say anything. Silence was far better than putting my life on the line. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what would happen if I did tell him who I was working for. His own mother. He let out a long breath when I didn't answer and his hands went to the back of my shoulders, pressing stiffly before I heard him whisper something under his breath.

Something dark.

Pain erupted in my body, spread from my neck and all the way down to my feet. I lunged forward, my brows furrowing while a small gasp escaped my lips. My mouth turned into a frown as I groaned.

"What did you do to me?" I asked while taking steps back while my hands spread in the in front of me. There was an odd sensation slowly consuming me.

"Give me answers. Is it my mother? Or is it someone else? Who has set you to search for me?" He grabbed my arms again and my flesh burned at his touch. I stomped backward, trying to free myself from his hold as his eyes burn straight into my soul as if he tries to find the answers. "Tell me, or goddammit, I'll splay your limbs all across this room."

"Never." I snapped back at him.

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