Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

It didn't take him too long to agree.

We quickly gathered out things and headed out in the direction where the werewolves had told Dion to go. The trail was steep and narrow, with rocky terrain and dense forests on either side. A biting cold wind blew against us and I shivered.

Dion was in the lead, sniffing the air occasionally, while Elijah walked behind me, his eyes constantly scanning the area. My heart pounded in my chest and I felt my breaths coming out in quick puffs.

The hike was steep and treacherous, but we pushed on, driven by our need to break the curse. I heard the sound of rushing water nearby, and soon we came across a small waterfall, its crystal-clear waters cascading down the rocks.

I sat down, catching my breaths. My legs ached from walking all these miles. I haven't ever done that before.

"Don't be such princess and get your ass off the ground. I'm not going to wait here for eternity." Elijah bent near to me and whispered.

"I'm tired."

"You were dying to come here."

"Yes, but now I need some rest. Just give me a few more minutes." I pleaded with wide eyes, hoping he'd let me sit for some time more, till the ache on my legs lessened a bit, till I could walk again.

"It's not too far," Dion spoke behind after scanning the area again. He rose the flash light in his hand and pointed it toward the left. "I can smell fire and wood down there."

I sighed and rose up from the ground before continuing with the journey. As the sky grew darker, I finally saw a glimmer of light in the distance, just as Dion had promised there would be. We quickened our pace, and as we got closer, I saw shadowy figures moving in the distance.

We crept closer, trying to get a better view of the area without alerting anyone to our presence.

Suddenly, we heard a voice from behind us, "What brings you to our territory?"

I stunned around to face a tall, dark-haired woman with piercing blue eyes. She wore flowing black robes and held a staff that crackled with black energy—shadow magic.

Her gaze flickered to Elijah and she stepped back with her staff. Horror flashed over her face. "We have not harmed anyone!" She exclaimed, fear racing in her tone.

Quickly, the shadows behind us began to scatter away into the darkness and in a matter of few seconds, we couldn't sense anyone but the woman standing in front of us.

"Chill. I'm not going to kill anyone," Elijah said, moving closer to her. "I just need some information and that twenty-something girl you see behind me believes you have the information we need. It's a stupid assumption, but she does have spirit magic so part of her intuition might be right, or maybe not, or maybe this all was nothing but waste of time and energy. Who knows? I'm just so selfish that I need to make sure I don't get killed."

I placed my hand against my face and held back the groan that nearly fled my throat. What was up with him tonight?

Dion stepped forward, his shoulders meeting with his. "He has simply lost his mind. Don't listen to anything he says."

"What kind of your information do you need?" The woman asked, dashing her head left and right while a hint of fear still remained in her eyes.

"About a curse."

She pursed her lips and nodded, "Come with me." She gestured us to follow her and further into her territory and we did.

We walked deeper into the coven, passing by hooded figures who watched us warily and behind the trees. They were terrified of Elijah as he was queen's son after all. The air was thick with dark magic, making my skin crawl. There were three small cabins and a clearing between the cabins where the woman led us to.

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