Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"What makes you think I am?" I asked as my brows furrowed. The air surrounding me tightened along with every nerve in my body. I looked away from him and picked up the boxes.

"I can smell it." He stood behind. The hair over my neck rose at the sound of his words rolling off his tongue in such a way that made my insides quiver.

"Smell what—" I slammed my mouth shut before going there. He was a night-eater. "I'm saving myself." I quickly said, hoping it would end here and not go anywhere else.

"For who?"

I shrugged while turning to him, "Someone," I didn't give it much thought and still didn't want to. My head was still lowered when I made it past him and up the stairs to dump the box in my hand. Before reaching the top of the stairs, I turned and asked, "Can you get the other two boxes?"

Callan's face was full of questions and so much curiosity that it nearly made me want to go back there and give an answer to his every question. He turned and picked the two boxes from the ground before following me up the stairs.

"Are you waiting to be wed?" He asked.

A small laugh slipped from my throat, "No."

"Then?" He came in front of me and blocked my way out. "Have you not been touched before? Or kissed?" He asked. I didn't say anything and he continued with a smile curling on his mouth. "Don't tell me the first person you've kissed is me."

Blood quickly rushed up to my cheeks, turning them warm. He moved against me as I neared the door and pushed it open. Sunlight flooded inside and he stepped back, but the grin on his face didn't smudge away.


I took my time to throw the boxes into the garbage. Every minute I spent outside, under the sunlight, was every minute I spent away from Callan and his questions that embarrassed me. What could I possibly say? I hadn't been touched—ever. My heart sped up as I threw the last box inside the can before walking back into the house where he was waiting to tease the life out of me.

Please. No.

He sat in the living, his one leg over the other one and the strands of his perfect blonde hair pushed back while his one arm was spread over the couch. His gaze ran over me, from the top to the bottom. I swallowed the growing lump in my throat and sat down.

"I never met anyone. I assume that's the reason why I never kissed or had anything," I declared, the truth even though it sounded terrible in my ears.

Never in my life had I thought I'd ever share something as this with a man, especially a man who was meant to be a part of a job.

"I would really like it if you didn't laugh because you're taking shelter in my house. You could possibly burn if I threw you out, which I will do if you dare to make anything close to a laugh leave your mouth!" I exclaimed as my gaze fixated on him.

He didn't say anything. Instead, he sealed his lips shut. My back pressed against the couch and I sighed.

"There's a time for everything, little witch. And it would be a great honor to deflower you, only if you want." He leaned closer to me, seducing his way between my legs.

I couldn't let it happen. He was meant to return to the royal court by night and I had to report back to the Queen about him being one of the marked men. Risking an attachment with someone who was targeted by the Queen herself wasn't a smart move and I didn't intend on doing it.

My eyes flickered over his face. But only if.

"Maybe if I see you again," I whispered under my breath.

His fingers slipped underneath my chin and he inched closer to my mouth, "I'll make sure that happens." The smile on his face grew while he neared my lips.

I was already expecting to see him again. This wasn't over.

My lips met with his and a similar feeling washed over me, forcing a shudder to run down my spine. I pressed my hand at the back of his neck, pulling him deeper. Our tongues collided and my heart stuttered. None of this was meant to happen. But it did. Here I was, kissing a man I had accidentally bewitched, for myself rather than the task Alexandria put me up to.

I wasn't close to being a prude. I desired to be taken into bed by a man and shown all the positions my body could possibly twist into. I wanted it more than anything else.

And I intended on getting it soon.

When the sun fell and the skies turned into a beautiful shade of dull orange and gray, Callan stepped out and started the engine of his car before pulling up front. The headlights shone straight into my eyes, but I turned as he came to me and stood on the porch, saying his goodbyes.

"I will see you again," He said, his voice drawing my gaze over his. "And I'll show you all that your body needs, little witch. But till then, I hope you do well."

"You too." I smiled.

He nodded before stepping down from the porch and returning to his car. Our eyes met once more before he drove away. Something became tensed in my chest as if a string had been pulled away.

One of the strings.

I gave my head a little shake and returned back into the house while Callan's memory still hovered in my head. I wondered what all would've happened if we both hadn't stopped last night. I would've felt it all.

Keys shuffled behind me and my mother's shadow came near to the window. I quickly rushed up to the door and opened it. She walked in with a few bags and an excited smile on her face.

"Hope I'm not too late!" She said, setting her things and shopping over the counter before handing over my mail to me. "There was a clearance sale and I couldn't stop. What were you up to?" She asked while looking around the house.

It had only been minutes since Callan left.

I scratched the back of my neck and tried to come up with something quick, "Nothing. Just clearing out the basement. I managed to throw most of everything so there shouldn't be a smell anymore." I said while nearing the basement and locking up the door before tucking in the keys.

The last thing I wanted was for my mother to ever go down there.

Only I was going to pay for my sins.

"Ah. That's good," She looped her coat over the hanger and turned back to me. "I'm going to freshen up and then prepare dinner. In the meantime, I think there's an important mail with the royal seal in your hands. You should probably check it."

As she walked into her room, I went through the mails I had gotten and just at the end, there was a mail from Alexandria Sven. I could feel my heart skipping a beat as I tore open the paper and went through the letter.

It was an invitation to the royal court by the Queen.

The royal court.


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