Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

It was a week later when I landed in Vragas, a city under the rule of Alexandria. In other words, it was the city of royals. All sorts of strong, powerful creatures could be found here. It was one of the most famous cities known to us who lived on the outskirts and it was full of light.

It was our underworld.

I arrived during daylight and was guided straight to the Queen's estate where I had just been earlier, at the first Winter Ball. One of her formal men glued onto my side on the entire journey from my hometown to Vragas. He had to make sure I reached here without any inconvenience.

And I did.

The estate looked beautiful under the midday sun. The glass and all the chandeliers inside reflected the light and sparkled the gold walls even more. It was emptier than I thought it would be as the last time I came here, it was packed with hundreds of men and women greeting the Queen and attending her ball.

I tried to send as many pictures as I could back to my mother, but the guard Alexandria sent with me prohibited me from taking any pictures of her estate. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and followed him to the Queen's chambers, where I had been before.

There was a bit of anxiety and panic welling up in my chest as I thought of Callan and telling her the information I had received about him. I had to report to her.

But what was she going to do then? Was she going to harm him?

A part of me came here for Alexandria and another part of me came here to see Callan once more and let him fulfill the promise he had made to me.

The past week I had spent every night touching myself at the thought of him going down on me and tasting my wetness. His thoughts consumed me. The mornings I spent packing up my things and taking my mother around before I left her for the next several months.

It was hard saying her goodbye as I knew I was going to terribly miss her.

Only if she could come.

I walked into the same room as before and found her seated on the couch. There was nothing different about her except for she wore a less heavier dress. I took in a deep breath and approached her with a smile.

"Glad to see you've accepted my invitation," She said, her voice the same as before, threatening and dangerous. Her demeanor was strong. After all, she was the Queen. "Sit with me."

I sat beside her while still trying to find the words to report to her about Callan, one of the marked men. My throat became tight every time I tried.

"There's a room at the court which is being prepared for you. You'll be quite comfortable there. It's in a private hall so you'll be able to practice magic within the walls. Though, I should warn you, don't let anyone in the court be aware of what you're doing. This must remain between us only." She stated.

I nodded and agreed with her, "No one will know."

"Now," She leaned back and spread her arm over the couch, "What information do you have for me so far? It's been nearly ten days." She added with a hint of warning in her voice.

"I tried doing a spell to find the men. It worked, but it came at a cost—" My dignity. I stopped the spell as soon as I learned it was creating a bond between me and the marked man—Callan. I couldn't have four men lusting over me just so I could save myself from Alexandria's wrath. "I was able to find of them and the mark of the pentacle confirmed he's the one you want."

"And where is this man?" She became intrigued while sounding a bit in disbelief, almost as if she didn't think I'd do this. "Tell me about his whereabouts." Her back moved from the couch and she leaned forward.

My muscles became tensed as I told her, "He was nearby my hometown a week ago—"

"Why didn't you tell me then?" She cut me off and asked. Something began to dark behind her eyes.

"Because he's from the court." I continued with hesitation in her voice. The question remained in my head. What did she want from Callan and the others?

Her eyes became wide before she moved back. There was a trickle of danger that hovered over her face before she looked back at me.

"What's his name?"

I swallowed hard, "Callan. He's a night eater. Blond—"

She cut me off midway and nodded, "I know him. What about the others?"

"It will take some time..." I trailed off, heart racing in fear.

She seemed different after I shared the knowledge about Callan with her.

"How long?"

"A couple of months—"

I had to become cautious and I had to find another way to find the marked men.

"Weeks."Alexandria cut me again, inserting her own timeline.

I pressed my lips tight into a straight line. The atmosphere in the room had stiffened and so had her demeanor. Greed gushed into her eyes and became visible.

"I'll try," I mumbled under my breath even though it wasn't possible to find the rest three in only weeks.

"Good," She let out a sigh and reached for the drink on the side of the table. "When you find the rest three, bring them all to me and I'll take it from here."

"What will you do with them?" I tried to not think wrongly after all she was the Queen.

"You don't want to know."

"Will you kill them?" I asked without even giving it a thought. As soon as I realized what I said, I placed my fingers over my mouth and silenced myself.

"What I do with those men if not your business, Vivian. Do what I have asked and when you've found them all, bring them to me only then your life will be spared." She snapped, refusing to show any other emotion on her face.

The rumors were true. Alexandria Sven was an inhumane monster. She came from a bloodline of royal witches and just before her father died, he consumed all black magic and prohibited everyone from ever practicing it.

It was rumored that the Queen couldn't do magic anymore, not for the last few decades. But she still managed to secure the throne with the help of her family and the connections she had.

Even without any powers, she was untouchable, a legend.

I left her chambers quickly after that and her words raced in my mind. She wanted to kill them or use them in a way that possessed danger to them. She had told me before she wanted to break a curse.

What curse would that be? And why couldn't she find another witch for it? Why me?

The man that I had come along, Raphael, drove me to the court which was a couple of minutes away from Alexandria's estate.

The royal court was magnificent and the widest building I had ever seen. It was spread over acres and acres of land while there was a forest behind and beyond that, Alexandria's estate could be seen from a distance.

The royal court in Verges was one of the oldest buildings made by werewolves as they ruled before the witches. It was the home to the history of creatures. The walls were filled with magic and power that yet had to surface.

Raphael guided me around and then took me into my room.

Just like Alexandria promised, the hall was empty with only one room at the end. There was no one else lurking around here. I could practice black magic safely.

"I thought I smelled your blood lingering in the air..." Callan grinned while walking into my room. "I wasn't wrong."

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