Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


I watched closely as Vivian sat in the car and left the Queen's estate. As the car drove off, a part of me wondered if it was the right thing to do—to send her with Elijah. He was cruel in his own dark ways but I believed he wouldn't do anything to harm her unless she provoked him in some way.

"The guards weren't able to see her leave," Dion rushed toward me while closing his umbrella. The rain was getting heavier second by second. "I suppose the Queen's not going to know anything."

"Hopefully." I turned, returning back to the house.

Some of the creatures had begun to leave, retiring to their homes. The dances had ended long ago. There was only a bit of chatter in the air, some food, and champagne. I stayed on the sidelines with Dion, watching Alexandria as closely as it was possible.

The whole ordeal surprised me.

Vivian's intentions had always been unclear and for some odd reason, I couldn't get into her head to find out what she was doing. Until now. I felt stupid, dumb to let it all slip from my hands. She wasn't here for anything, but for us, to find us and give us to the Queen.

It was all act.

My jaw clenched, teeth pressing hard. I was enraged, but I couldn't remove my anger on anyone.

What difference was it going to even make?

Vivian was a child of sorts, beaten up by her father and driven to murder him. Killing her was the last thing on my mind. I cared for her deeply and didn't want her to get hurt.

Not now, not ever.

"What do you think Alexandria has for us?" Dion asked, standing next to me. His voice was low. It was true, even the walls had ears. "Death?"

I shrugged as my gaze lingered around, watching everyone closely. After Vivian's betrayal, my trust issues were heightened even more. I yearned to slip into everyone's mind and know what they were thinking about.


"Did you know about the curse on her?"

I shook my head, turning to him. "I didn't know the mark of the pentacle was connected to Alexandria's magic," I drew in a lungful, thinking about Elijah's words over and over again. "I did have slight knowledge about the mark after I slept with Stephanie."

"The witch?" Dion cocked a brow.

A small scoff escaped my lips. "Yes. She told me about the meaning of the pentacle and that it had value in her culture. It meant the five elements of life, earth, fire, air, water, and spirit. The witches use it for binding and cursing spells."

Dion listened, and his expression stiffened as I shared my knowledge with him. I didn't care much about the curse on Alexandria or the mark we shared, but I cared about my life and I needed to know if I was going to die or get killed.

The Queen was seated with her guards behind her and a werewolf seated on the ground beside her. She spoke to several women at once and went on with the evening without a care in the world.

What was she even offering to Vivian? Security? It made sense why Vivian continued to practice black magic without worry. She knew she couldn't be harmed by anyone as she had the Queen's protection.

Not anymore.

"One of Alexandria's guards was with Vivian since the day she arrived at the court," I recalled his face, but it was a blur as it had been a while.

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