Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I had to stop. Now. I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't let this affect my life or possibly kill me. Whoever had put a spell on me was someone powerful, and with whatever I did, I could never get to him.

It was useless to continue with the search.

There was a storm raging outside, rain pouring heavily and lightning flashing after every few minutes.

The whole ordeal had taken most of my strength away. I was exhausted, my body was numb, and my mind tired. Callan's arms were wrapped around me, keeping me warm as my eyes were pressed shut tight.

I couldn't sleep, not after everything I had felt.

I knew that I needed to break the spell that had been placed on me, but I didn't know how. It was a powerful and dangerous magic, and I was no match for it on my own. I needed help to reverse all the damage I had done.

It could come back anytime and bite me again. I didn't want to go through it again and Callan wasn't going to be always around to give me his blood.

"You're not doing anything crazy again," I heard Callan's voice, it was barely above a whisper. "You have seen what happens to witches who practice black magic, Vivian. You know it. They are killed, all of them are killed. If anyone gets to know what you've done, they'll come after you. You won't be spared."

"I know." My eyes went tight shut, and I nodded.

I had to stop. This wasn't for me. I needed to tell Alexandria that I couldn't do this.

"I won't do it again. I promise," I turned to him, burying my head in his chest. "And I'm sorry you had to see all that. Thank you for helping me."

I didn't know what would've happened to me without his blood—I would've died. It could get that bad. But he came for me instantly and gave me his blood even after knowing what I had done.

"Just don't do it again, little witch. You're not meant for it." His hand raced down my back before stopping. He pulled me closer into his embrace and let me stay there for as long as I wanted to. "What was the magic about, anyway? The one in the bottle?"

I pulled my lower lip into my mouth, hesitating. "I was trying to find someone." I said the truth.

After knowing about Dion and learning about his mark, I went forward, hoping to find the third marked man Alexandria wanted. There were no visions or dreams, or anything else. For the past few days, I thought my spell had stopped working until now.

Whoever it was, was surely a witch, and he knew what I was doing.

The night went with ease and the next morning; I headed straight to Alexandria's estate to talk with her, to tell her I couldn't do this anymore—I couldn't work for her and I couldn't find the men she wanted.

When I arrived at Alexandria's estate, Raphael took me to her rooms, where she remained. My sudden appearance was a surprise, so when I found her, she was concerned, more than usual.

"Come in, Vivian." Alexandria said, seated by a large coffee table. She smiled at me, but there was something cold and calculating in her eyes. "What's with the surprise visit?"

I took a deep breath and stepped into the room. Raphael closed the large doors behind me. My heart thudded twice before I sat down in front of her with my throat all tight and stiff.

Yesterday had drained me entirely. Even after drinking Callan's blood, I still couldn't brush some of the pain that was in my head.

Clearing my throat, I started, "I can't do this anymore. I can't find the men you want, and I can't work for you. It's too dangerous, and it nearly took my life last night. One of those marked men reversed the magic onto me, and I was in a bloodbath of my own."

Her smile faded as she listened to me. "There are protection spells you can practice."

I shook my head, feeling a surge of fear and determination. "I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry."

Regardless there were protection spells or not, it was too dangerous and it threatened not only my life but the lives of Callan and Dion, who I now shared a bond with, even if it was only lust and desires.

"What do you mean, Vivian?" she asked, her voice low and threatening. "You have to finish what you started. And if you don't, there will be consequences. Serious consequences."

I swallowed hard, feeling a wave of panic and uncertainty. I knew Alexandria was powerful and ruthless, and that she would do whatever it took to get what she wanted. But I also knew that I had to stand up for myself and right the wrong path I had taken.

"I'm sorry." My head narrowed, my voice trembled, but I stayed firm in my decision. "I will not change my mind. I nearly lost my life last night and this all, it's too much. I can't do it."

"We both know what you're capable of. Don't be a saint in front of me, Vivian. I know the magic you practiced and the murder you've already done." She rose from her seat, towering over me as anger flashed across her face.

Tears collected in my eyes. "It was only once and there was a reason for it."

A valid one.

"Well, I'll give you a greater reason to continue," her voice dripped with malice as she came closer to me. "Tell me the names and bring those men to me, or I'll have your mother bought here and kept as a prisoner in my estate till you do it. Would you prefer that or would you prefer if you mother slept in her bed?"

"You wouldn't do that." My brows furrowed in rage.

I cared for my mother more than anything else. She was my entire world, and her safety mattered the most.

"Are you defying your Queen?" She stepped back from me, surprise washing over her face once more. "I can do anything I want to do and there's no one that can stop me. I rule this world. It's under my fingertips and soon enough, I'll be more powerful than anyone else. Never doubt me, Vivian. I'll ruin you and your entire family."

She sneered at me, her eyes filled with hatred. She was a powerful and a ruthless Queen.

I couldn't do anything.

My lips went tight.

She lingered closer to me, walking in circles while her hand rested on the back of my seat. "Who are the other three?" she asked.

"I don't know." I couldn't tell her about Dion. If I couldn't escape from this deal, the least I could do was keep my mouth shut and give her nothing.

"Don't lie to me." She glared at me, her eyes filled with suspicion. When I said nothing, she continued, "Tell me the name or I'll send two of my wolves down to your hometown and force your mother—"

"It's the Alpha of the Nightslits Pack. Dion—Dion Lowe!" I exclaimed in fear.

A smile crept over her face, and she nodded. "Good. Find me the third one before the week ends or there'll be consequences. I don't want to see you here again without another name."

I rushed out of the estate while barely holding myself together. I had given her the name that she wanted, but at least I had protected my mother and myself for now.

But what would happen next?

I had to confide in someone, anyone.


He was the only person who understood the dangers that I was facing, and he was the only one who could help me. But what if he retorted as well after knowing I had given his name?

Will she tell them? Or will she continue to hide it from them?

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