Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

The duel was organized in an underground bar where men and women, mostly men, gathered, hollering and patiently waiting for it to begin. The underground bar was dimly lit and filled with the smell of sweat and alcohol. The walls were adorned with graffiti and battered posters, and the floor was sticky with spilled drinks.

The crowd gathered was raucous and rowdy, with people jostling for a better view of the large ring that had been set up in the center of the room. Everyone began to anticipate the start of the duel.

It wasn't a good place for a female like me, but I wanted to come. I had to shift my thoughts, even if it was for just a couple of hours.

Dion approached me, a smile hanging over his face while he was shirtless. My eyes trailed over his muscular body before I lifted my head and looked up.

"You're going to enjoy this." He grinned, proudly.

"Do you always win?" I asked, wondering as it was the first time I had seen something like this—two werewolf pack's fighting each other willingly.

"Most of the time."

It was clear that Dion was confident in his abilities as a fighter and a werewolf. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous for him, despite his confidence. The thought of him getting hurt in the ring made me uneasy.

It could get ugly quick and with the scars of his back and chest, I believed it may have before.

But how could I feel sympathy when I gave his name to the Queen? My pulse spiked when I thought of it. Guilt continued to swallow me up and it grew worser day by day.

My thoughts shifted when the crowd began to cheer as the two fighters stepped into the ring. Both of them were werewolves, one of them was the Alpha of the Silverstream Pack, my dead father's pack and the other one was Dion, the Alpha of the Nightslits Pack.

Both friendly rivals, but still rivals.

The tension between them was palpable as they faced off, ready to fight each other off. There were more than a hundred people gathered, all of them waiting for the duel to begin.

I watched with a mixture of fear and fascination as the two werewolves transformed into their animal forms, snarling and snapping at each other.

The fight was brutal and intense, with both wolves giving it their all. They both were skilled and powerful, but Dion seemed to have the upper hand as he was the only wolves that had lived beyond a hundred years. He was quicker on his feet, and more agile, dodging the other werewolf's attacks with ease.

I couldn't bear to watch at times, turning my head away as the two werewolves clashed and fought. Their claws sank into each other's flesh and the sound of their snarls and growls filled the room, echoing off the wall.

My lips parted in shock when the other alpha injured Dion a bit too more. His eyes turned into a brilliant shade of red before he retorted and snapped back at the alpha.

I cheered for him, smiling and knowing he was going to win.

Blood began to spin inside the ring but with the looks of it, it seemed like this wasn't the first time.

A man went around, offering drinks to whoever wanted. I refused the offer and kept my attention on Dion.

He was powerful, far more than I thought he'd be.

My eyes clicked away from him momentarily and I looked ahead, finding two men talking to each other while glancing in my direction. I hadn't thought about the fact I was here, in between people who knew my father. Most of them were unaware that he ever had a daughter, but some knew.

My heart raced in panic and I slipped to the side, behind some men while worry filled me up.

Not today.

I already had enough in my mind to worry about after the Queen's threats. I barely left my room all day until Dion forced me to come with him to the duel. I couldn't refuse him as I felt guilty about what I had done.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dion emerged victorious. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as he returned to his human form, panting and covered in sweat. He seemed to be in high spirits, despite the grueling fight he had just endured.

The other alpha was on the ground, catching his breaths while blood spilled from him everywhere.

It was easy for werewolves to heal, far more easier than us witches and most of them were used to the pain and the wounds as they came from the wild.

I exchanged a smile with Dion as he went around, claiming his congratulations. When my head tilted, I found the two men approaching me with a threatening stance. A lump formed in my throat and I swallowed hard while looking away from them.

What did they want?

The air around me shifted as they neared me.

"Vivian Hart, isn't it?" One of them asked.

I didn't meet their threatening gazes or responded. The second one stepped forward, invading my space and said, "Come with us. Someone seeks your audience."

"I'm not going anywhere." I looked up at them and said. My words clear. They were tall and huge in compared to me and they surely belonged to the Silverstream Pack.

"You're coming with us." One of them seized my hand.

In midst of the victory and all of the cheers, no one could hear me even if I screamed on the top of my lungs or fought back. I tried to pull my hand away from the man but his hold was rigid.

"Let me go!" I grunted.

"Let her go," Dion said, stepping in and grabbing the man's hand before prying it off mine. "What is the meaning of this?"

Both men stepped back, but they remained on their task. "She belongs to our pack and she needs to come with us instantly." One said while folding his arms over his chest.

"She's not going anywhere," Dion stepped in front of me, covering my small frame with his body to the point where I could barely see anything past him. "And she's a witch if you cannot tell. She doesn't belongs to any pack."

"But she's the daughter of Marcus Hart, a werewolf, and that associates her with us. We have orders—"

"Shove them up your ass. Touch her again and you'll be the one inside the ring," Dion threatened, his head turning to both of them. "And who have given you these orders?" He asked, a moment later with curiosity in his voice.

My brows furrowed as I wondered the same. Who could it be? And how could they even recognize me?

"Claudia Hart."

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