Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I was filthy to take two men separately and at the same time only days after I had been deflowered by one of them, but I didn't care much. They shared me among themselves as if I was a prized possession and I enjoyed it.

All of their attention.

But once the night arrived and when the court was dead silent, I sat in my bedroom, all alone, shedding tears out of guilt and agony. Everything was out of control—everything. I didn't fear my father's pack anymore but rather the Queen and her threats.

There were enough to keep the fear inside my heart warm. She had threatened to take my mother if I didn't come up with the names soon. I already felt terrible guilt for taking Callan's name and then Dion's.

They both had done nothing to me but be nice and this was how I thanked them.

I had thought about telling Callan the truth, but whenever I got close to it, I fled. What would he think of me after that? He wouldn't trust me again. I'd loose them both at the same time and I wasn't ready for that.

My insides were sore when I tossed and turned over the bed. The pillow beneath me was wet with my tears. I tried reaching my mother earlier but the call went to voicemail after a few rings.

I desperately wanted to hear her voice before I slept, but it seemed like she already had and it wasn't going to be until tomorrow before I could hear it.

It was in the middle of the night when I finally fell asleep and as soon as I did, my subconscious was attacked by a flood of nightmares and rapid visions. I saw flashes, bloody flashes of death and violence. I felt pain all over my body again even when I knew I was dreaming.

I couldn't slip out of it no matter how hard I tried.

My chest was tight, my breaths constricted. I panted and panted as the night went on and screamed to myself, hoping I'd wake up but something was holding me back, forcing me into the nightmares, forcing me to see awful things and images.

My loud screams echoed in my ears.

I saw people I loved being hurt and killed in front of me, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop it. My heart raced as I tried to escape the horrors of my mind, or the horrors inflicted upon me, but it was like I was trapped in a never-ending cycle of fear and pain.

A certain male voice haunted me from a distance. I could hear him chuckling at me as I screamed and cried.

The voice was cold and his hand was colder when he grabbed me from nowhere. It was like I had touched death. It spread chills all over me, over every inch of my soul.

Finally, I forced myself awake. I sat up in bed, gasping for air and covered in sweat. My heart was still racing and tears were still dripping from my eyes. I tried to calm myself down, but I couldn't.

It was awful.

There was someone haunting me—literally, and I could feel him and what they were doing to me.

I grabbed my robe from the side of the couch near the window and looped my arms into it before tightening it around my waist and stepping out of my room. I couldn't sleep alone and I couldn't sleep in my room.

A part of me knew who it was—the third cursed one. The only I had been trying to find and reach. But I had stopped entirely after his first attack on me. I didn't do anything. Why wasn't he stopping?

Sticky strands of my hair fell over my face and I pushed them while wiping some of the sweat from my forehead before knocking on Callan's door.

He was a night-eater—he didn't sleep at nights.

Before I could knock for the secondth time, the door opened and I rushed inside from the dark hallways behind me.

"What's wrong?" He asked while drawing his phone from his ear and cutting the call he was on.

"I need help," I choked out and wrapped my arms around myself. "I can't sleep, I can't do anything. I did something and it's coming after me." I paced in circles around his room while my breathing continued to quicken.

Callan stood still near to the door, his eyes going wherever I went. "What did you do?"

"I stopped doing magic since that thing that happened. I promise I didn't do anything since then, but I can't sleep properly. There's someone in my head, and it's fucking around with me." I said, holding my head while nearly losing my sanity.

"Okay," He came near me and placed his hands over my arms. "Sit down. It's fine to go a little crazy around here. Everyone does something or the other. Tell me what you did?"

Not this.

I shook my head while staring up at him.

"I've been inside you, little witch. You can tell me anything and I will not mind even if it's the worst." He closed his hands around mine and waited.

I tried to choke out the words, or something but whenever I did, my throat became tight and rigid.

"I can't."

"It's okay. Tell me."

"Someone told me to do a couple of things for them and I did it. But now, I'm filled with guilt and I can't reverse the damage I've done. They want me to continue to do things for them and for my own sanity, I can't, but if I don't, they'll threaten everyone I know." I explained without mentioning any names.

"Is it your father's family?" Callan raised a brow. "Dion told me about what happened earlier."

I gave my head a shake, "It's someone else. I can't tell you, Callan." I stopped crying and wiped my tears dry. My expression changed and my heart finally stopped racing. "I—can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Of course." He wrapped one hand around me and pulled me to his chest.

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