Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Sit and watch, little witch. It's going to be rewarding." Callan said, as he forced me to sit behind the tree, only a small distance away from the other witches who chanted ahead.

My body tightened as I imagined what they were going to do to them. My eyes flicked back and forth before I sensed the men behind my shoulders scurry away. The witches had their eyes shut tight while they stood in a circle, hands against one another as their lips slowly moved under the moonlight.


I didn't want to see it, but I glued my eyes, waiting for the bloodbath. Dion tore through the left, ravaging three people at one with his vicious claws as they tore their necks. Black blood spilled from their neck and onto the fire and the wet grounds.

I placed my hand over my lips at the sight of their blood, which had been entirely consumed by black magic. It was solid black and nothing more. When their bodies dropped to the ground, I barely sensed their souls parting. The air stiffened.

It became cruel and vicious.

Callan's hand came around one's neck before he sank his teeth into her flesh and drank from her before killing her. A night-eater in its natural behaviors. There was no mercy shown. He killed the others in a snap of seconds before they even had the chance to escape.

Now, only the fire sparked in the silence. I heaved in a breath, getting a hold of myself as my heart raced in fear.

What could they possibly to do me? What could Alexandria do to me?

I truly didn't know what this world meant until I came here and stayed in court.

Callan and Dion walked over their bodies, ensuring all of them were dead. Blood pooled, and the moonlight reflected over it. All this magic and they couldn't protect themselves from them. What was the use of it?

Black magic was forbidden for a reason.

"Come here," Callan said, looking at me through the darkness.

I was still behind the tree, barely able to move on my own. A chill crawled over my skin and I shuddered while knowing my fate was going to be always similar to theirs, no matter what I did. One day, I was going to be killed for practicing black magic.

I moved from the tree and approached him. The smell of blood reached up to my nostrils, and I inhaled.

There was blood on Callan's mouth, black blood belonging to the dead witches. He was enjoying this—of course, he'd.

Our shoulders met before he wrapped his hand around my wrist and forced me to lean over one of the dead witches. Cold inched over my skin. My brows furrowed. What was he doing?

My fingers splayed over the chest of the witch and with just one touch, I felt fire race through my veins. My lips parted in surprise and I nearly gasped. What? The magic from the witch surfaced and then moved to me just before her soul was risen.

"What are you doing?" My heart raced.

The odd, chilling sensation crawled down my spine as I moved my hand away from the dead body on the ground.

My head rose, meeting with Callan's gaze. "You have never taken power before?" he asked, sounding a bit surprised.

"No," I whispered, still confused about what had just happened.

"Well, it's the first time for everything, then." He stood up, and I followed his steps toward the next body lying on the ground. "When a witch has died, another one can take her powers before her soul separates from her body. It would be a shame to leave all of this power alone."

I bent over the other witch on the ground, her neck bleeding, and even with minimal injury from a night-eater, she was still dead. My hand reached forward in curiosity, and I placed it over her chest. It repeated.

My head dropped forward, and I closed my eyes at the rush of energy that pumped through my veins.

I never knew.

My body stilled momentarily till I moved my hand away from the body and stood back up. The night became clearer.

"Does that mean I can consume all their powers?" I asked, turning to Callan as my thoughts raced through my head. It was thrilling and new.

"Yes," He nodded, a grin smeared over his face. "You can."

Hunger ran through me like never and before all of their souls parted away, I managed to take their powers. It didn't turn my blood black or poisoned it with black magic, even when the witches were known for doing it. I didn't consume any of their traits, but their strength and their knowledge.

It was quick, and it was overwhelming.

Dion piled up the bodies one above the other one as I finished. Guilt streamed inside me. I had just watched all these witches get murdered in front of my bare eyes, and I did nothing.

Could I even?

When caught doing black magic, one was always going to be killed. I stayed in fear for months and months after killing my father. Even if anyone caught a hint of the magic I did to kill him, I knew I'd be doomed.

But I wasn't. Not really.

Callan's hands came over my hips, tracing down. My attention was diverted from the forest ahead that was completely dark and with no sight of anyone living in it or wondering around. It was just the three of us, standing on the ground where witches were killed.

The fire sparked behind me, the wood nearly burning out.

"Why did you let me?" I asked Callan. After everything, it made little sense as to why he'd let a witch like me have more power, especially after knowing I was one of them, a practitioner.

"Why not?" He pulled himself closer to me, my back meeting with his chest as his head sank between my neck. "While I work for the Queen, it doesn't mean I follow her every order, little witch. I do what I want to do. And it's a lot better if all this energy was taken by you than simply wasted."

"That would make me powerful..." I trailed off, my head raising.

Power made little sense to me, but I was getting there.

"And that would be better. Wouldn't it?" He asked, his body pressing against mine as his mouth closed around my neck.

My eyes lowered while my lips parted. My insides tingled in need as my hands wrapped around his over my waist. He pulled me harder and traced his teeth across my skin. His hand went down to my lower belly and disappeared between my legs.

A breathy moan escaped my lips before I realized I was still outside, in the dark forest, surrounded by the dead bodies of the witches he had killed.

"We should go—"

His hand came wrapping around mine, silencing me as his mouth trailed down from my neck to my collarbone. Warmth melted inside me and I leaned back over him.

His thickness probed against my back, and I let out a muffled moan.

Raising my head, I stilled upon finding Dion only a small distance away from me. My breathing turned shallow as my mind raced to places where it shouldn't be.

"Dion?" I breathed out.

My heart beat at an erratic speed as he stepped forward to me and came closer all the way until I was trapped between two bodies. His hand pressed against the side of my neck before his mouth fell on mine.

"We are going to make you feel so good, little witch." I heard Callan say before he ripped my shirt off my shoulders in the middle of nowhere.

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