Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

His pants loosened and my hand flattered to the side of his lower hip, close to his sex. I held back my breath as my gaze fell over the mark and nowhere else. It was still covered. The mark of the pentacle was above, but only a few inches away. It wasn't hard to see when he slightly pulled down his pants.

The mark was as same as the others had. There was nothing different as compared to Dion and Callan's, except for the positioning of course.

"Do you feel anything?" He cocked a brow and asked. Slowly, a grin began to stretch over his mouth. How could I? "Or is it too hard to feel anything?" He spoke in a quiet tone, reaching me.

I shifted and clamped my legs shut together before diverting all my attention to the mark of the pentacle. Why did he have it here? Out of all places? "Must be a sight for all the girls you sleep with, right?" I questioned him back.

"Usually, but then again, I'm inked from everywhere."

I drew my hand away from him and looked up as my breath caught in my throat. Wait. "Even—"

"Feel the magic, Vivian." He cut me off and said before I went any further with the thoughts racing in my head.

My insides twitched, but I didn't let it appear over my face. I wanted to squirm after hearing my name roll off his tongue. Instead, I returned my hand over the mark and looked closely. It wasn't like a tattoo, it was something else like it had been embedded over the skin.

They had the same mark for nearly a century and it hadn't faded unless like a tattoo would. It wasn't something that someone gave to them physically. It was something that formed over their flesh as they became chosen.

Which meant King Stephan knew who he was binding Alexandria's curse to, he chose Elijah, his own grandson, and connected his life with a curse that would kill him. He knew what he was doing and he expected Alexandria to not break the curse and rather save her son's life.

If she couldn't kill one, she couldn't break the curse resulting in a long life without magic and any power except for what her throne provided.

It was truly all she needed.

People feared her. Her kingdom feared her. She was cruel even without her magic. I couldn't even begin to imagine what she would become if her magic returned. She wouldn't spare any of us.

"Did you ever your mother about the mark?" I asked, breaking the silence that had formed between us.

"No. Do you think I'm stupid?" He scrunched his nose and replied.

Just as I drew my hand away from him, I saw a blurred vision, a feeling of warmth spreading through my bones, and a fire forming between several men and women, none of them I recognized. I quickly snapped back into reality, not having any clue what I had experienced.

"What did you feel?" He turned away and grabbed his shirt before wearing and buckling his pants properly.

"Nothing," I whispered before standing up on my feet. My brows remained furrowed as I tried to make sense of what I had seen. I didn't want to tell Elijah until I knew what it was. "I'm going to go get something to eat."

"There's nothing in the kitchen except for rodents." His words forced me to stop on my steps. Rodents? The hunger in my stomach disappeared at the thought of it.

I crossed my arms over my chest and asked, "What am I meant to eat? The grass? Or the magic lingering in the air because the last time I checked, I can't really feed myself when I'm trapped here." My mouth tasted bitter and so did my words.

"Obviously not," he grinned before stepping away from the couches and heading to one of the cabinets where all sorts of alcohols were stored. Opening it, he pulled a bag of chips and tossed it in my direction. "Eat."

"I'd rather die than eat this garbage." I tossed the bag over the gray dustbin in the corner, but it fell on the side.

"Well, that's all I have here."

"Take me outside for food." I suggested.

"And take a risk seen by someone working for my mother? There's nothing to eat nearby anyway but I'll send someone to get some things and bring them to me." He unlocked his phone and dialed a number.

I blew out a cold breath and sat down while he spoke to someone on the phone. I didn't hear his conversation. My legs crossed over one another, still bare and cold. There was barely any heating in the seemingly abandoned house and as the day was passing by, it was getting colder.

"Dion's here." Elijah whispered while placing his hands on the seat behind and leaning close to me.

My head darted right toward the door. There was no one there, nor could I hear anyone knocking. "How do you know?"

Lowering himself to my ear, he whispered, "I can sense when someone's nearby, and I can sense a lot more things. I'm very good at reading people, far better than Callan. You can ask him yourself."

I rolled my eyes and just a moment later, Dion stepped inside the house. This time, he was clothed which meant he didn't come here in his wolf form, but rather by his car. I stood up as he walked in while holding a large bag in his hands.

"Callan sent the clothes for you," He said, and then his gaze hardened. "There's some trouble at the court you must know of."

"What kind of trouble?" Elijah stepped forward, his voice lacing with curiosity as if he just wanted to know everything and anything.

"Thank you." I said, taking the bag from Dion's outstretched hand and keeping it on the side, near the small fancy table.

His eyes were sharper than ever and the dread was awfully clear on his face as he looked at Elijah and then at me. "Claudia managed to spread the information about your hand in your father's death to all the wolves of the Silverstream Pack. The pack has marked you as the murderer of your father and the minute you are seen anywhere, there are orders for your arrest."

"But he's been dead for months!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening at the sound of it all.

"They haven't gone to the queen yet, but we all know what's going to happen if they do." His glare was a warning itself and I understood what it was—what was coming.

"My mother will have a far better reason to hunt her down," Elijah spoke behind me. "And keep her in her secure prison till the day she has to break the curse, till my grandfather's death anniversary."

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of being prisoned for killing my father. It was going to hurt me far worse than anything else. I could not let my father gloat wherever he was. This was all to ensure I didn't get punished for killing him and using black magic to do so.

"There's something that can silence Claudia before she heads to the queen, demanding justice for her brother."

"What?" Both of us said in a union.

Dion neared me and said, "Let me mark you, they can't do anything then. No one from the Silverstream pack can possibly attack you for anything you've done and no one can arrest you. The court can count your father's death as a conflict among packs and as my, an alpha's marked mate, they can't punish you unless I let them."

"No, Dion." I shook my head instantly. It was a sacrifice he was doing for me and I didn't want that. "I betrayed you the first chance I got. I can't let you do this for me. You cannot mark another woman if you mark me. I can't."

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