Chapter 23

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I reached my room with my heart racing with fear. The door behind slammed shut and I looked at every corner of the room before sitting down beside the bed and collecting my thoughts. Was it really worth it? It was obvious Alexandria was going to kill them, the four men, and I was going to blame myself for it.

I no longer knew what to do or which direction to head. I could be selfish and safe my life while letting Alexandria have them, or I could run far away from here and never return.

Callan knew something more than he was letting on. He knew about the curse, or why he had been marked a hundred years ago. I could tell it from the fear in his eyes.

I reached the table where I had displayed most of my craft. Before anything, I had to know who the rest two of them were. I grabbed another small bottle, sank in a cut-out of the pentacle drawing, and bled over it before tying it with strands of my hair. Before the smell spread everywhere, I went to the balcony, slipped open the small window, and placed the bottle outside, just in the corner.

It would keep the reeking at bay and no one could know.

I sat back and closed my eyes, taking a moment to myself. My chest heaved and dropped as a throbbing sensation spread over my forehead. Before I even had the chance to rest, there was a knock on the door.

My ears perked and my head turned.

Another knock.

Who was it now?

Upon opening the door, I found Callan standing, alone and his expression seemed slightly apologetic. I stepped away from the door and he came inside.

"I might have been a little too harsh downstairs," he said, eyes narrowed to me. "I shouldn't blame you for something you aren't doing. I'm sorry for that."

My voice was hoarse when I responded, "It's alright."

His rage was valid. He knew more than he let on and his suspicions were right as well. I was working with the Queen, and it was all about the pentacle mark on him and the other three cursed men.

"Maybe I overstepped. I shouldn't have asked Dion all those questions, especially when it might be a sensitive topic." I added.

"It's not about the mark or the snooping," he paused to take a breath. His jaw tightened, creating a shadow over his face. "It's Alexandria. She's a vicious queen. There are some cruel things I've done for her, to be in her favor and it has never ended right. The men I had to kill and bury that night were a result of completing one of her tasks. She pulls in anyone easily and with her title, she can destroy anyone. I want you to stay safe from her, and from everyone else in court."

Five bodies. I didn't forget it, especially since I was in a situation of my own when Dion said those things outside Callan's bedroom.

He stepped in closer, his smell diving straight into my nose, pulling me straight into his arms. His hand reached my face, and fingers slipped under my chin.

"After all, you don't belong here, little witch."

I smiled after finding his rage all gone. "I can look for myself."

"I don't think so you can," He shook his head while pinching my chin and searching for something in my eyes. "Sanity is the greatest power anyone can have around here. If you get a glimpse of what goes on, you won't be able to take it."

"I will be." I retorted, knowing myself well enough.

The corner of his mouth lifted into a smirk, "Don't be too optimistic. Meet me in the gardens by eight and we'll see."

He slipped his fingers away from my face and left my bedroom. I stayed on my feet, hoping to understand his words. I could take anything. And I wasn't scared of anything. But some of Callan's words glued to my thoughts.

What was with Alexandria Sven?

This was all deeper than I thought. There was more, a lot more. I never thought about the world outside my small town until I actually left it. It amazed me, more than it should have.

I stared at my hands and the blood pounding in my veins. It was turning darker second by second. Once a witch had entirely been consumed by black magic, black blood would drip from her and wherever she went, people would know what she had done.

It was a few minutes later when Callan left I heard someone on the door, someone else now. The knocks echoed through the hall. I closed the bedroom door behind and reached the door at the front before opening it.

On the opposite side of the door, there was a woman, Eileen Moss.

"You fled from breakfast yesterday and skipped today as well. It made me wonder if you're doing alright." She said, a crippling smile on her face as stepped an inch forward.

I held the door parted, but blocked her way from coming inside. A witch could smell when a potion was being brewed and after everything, I didn't need more trouble.

I slipped my hand over my belly, "Oh, I've been kind of feeling unwell these days with all the traveling and the new food. It has made my stomach a little upset." I responded while watching her lingering eyes.

"Well, I hope you do feel well soon."

It was as short as that as I didn't want to say anything or ask about anything. She went away when she noticed my silence. Alexandria warned me to not utter a single word in front of the witches, and I didn't.

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