Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Something clicked in my mind as I finished dancing with Callan. We parted ways after that as he wanted something more than my orgasm in his mouth—blood. I slipped away from the ballroom behind Callan and went to the right where the room were located. Alexandria was in the ballroom, attending to everyone.

It was the perfect opportunity to go through her library and learn about the curse, since no one else was going to tell me.

The hallways were empty, but there were guards located in every end and it was hard to get past them all. I stood at the end of the hallway where I had already been. Just in one of the room, there was Alexandria's library, the place where I had met her for the first time.

I couldn't forget it.

I waited for the guard to turn around, or his attention to get diverted as he stood just a few inches away from the door. I peeked out, waiting, and suddenly, a sharp pain spread through my head. My jaw clenched tight and I held back my hiss while holding onto my head.

What was that?

The pain in my head—it wasn't going away.

"Shifts are changing," I heard someone say. "Take care of the door, there are many people gathering there. I'll send someone else up here."

I peeked out again, watching another man approach the guard and speak to him. A moment later, they both were gone and before anyone came, I opened the door to the library and rushed inside while looking on either side of the hallway.

No one.

My heart raced in both fear and thrill. What I was doing was dangerous. But what more could Alexandria do with me? She needed me for whatever sick reason she had, and somehow, I didn't understand why me. Why couldn't it be anyone else? There were plenty of witches around here, some of them even practicing black magic.

I wasn't special.

My eyes scurried around the shelves and shelves of old and new books. I began to search, pulling out books and flipping through their pages. I scanned the tiles and the text, looking for anything in regards to the curse Alexandria spoke about or if it even existed.

I recalled her pulling out the mark of the pentacle from one of these books. Maybe there was more information here.

An old, thin book came into my hand. I rolled through the pages till a small piece of paper fell onto me and slid down my dress. I stepped back in surprise and my gaze landed on the paper.

It was the mark of the pentacle.

Reaching down, I picked it up and opened the book again to figure out where it came from. A moment later, I had found it. The curse.

Curse of the Enslaved Magic.

It was written by Stephan Sven, who had cursed his daughter, Alexandria Sven, and taken away her magic before his death. He died exactly a hundred years ago, and it was his death that begun the curse. The four men, they had the power to open a kind of magic that had never existed, but in order to retrieve the magic, the Queen had to kill all four of them and take their powers, their immortality and their strength.

Only then, she could be strong, strong than the Gods and Goddess'.

I slammed the book shut, placing it back into the shelf before running out of the library. My heart pounded in my throat while the hair over my skin rose. I rushed down the stairs and into the nearest washroom I could find.

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