Chapter 30 |:| Hero killer!

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Madi pov

The week was coming to an end. My thoughts about All Might were still complicated, but we'd reached a comfortable neutral. Tonight, i'd asked to go back to that delicious sushi restaurant in Hosu for dinner, so thats exactly what we did.

However, our meal was promptly cut short. Screams and thunderous sounds of battle shook the ground, All Might was on the scene in an instant, urging me to stay inside the restaurant. Of course, i argued and begged to help him in the fight—a request that was swiftly rejected.

"Im solely responsible for your safety. If anything happened to you...i couldnt forgive myself..." he'd said.

It made sense for him to be concerned, he was my teacher after all. But the way his voice cracked and his eyes dimmed at the thought of me getting hurt hinted that there was more behind those blue eyes of his. It truly made me wonder what other ties he could possibly have to me. Perhaps just the fact that my father used to be a close friend of his.

So much to my distaste, i sat down and went on my phone, pausing as i received a text from...Midoriya?

"Wonder whats up with him..." i hummed, opening the notification. All it held was a pin on the map, his location.

"Wait..." i squinted, "Thats next door!" I gasped. If he's outside right now...

"Im coming, Midoriya!" I called out, bolting out of the shop and wheeling around the corner. He was two alleyways away, there was no time to lose.

Summoning my quirk, i blasted into the air, clutching onto the crumbly walls of the buildings i climbed. Quickly, i spotted him down in an alleyway, Iida was there too! Along with a pro hero i'd never seen before.

Something was wrong, Iida and the pro we're lifelessly slumped against the wall, while Midoriya stood and faced another man.

This was someone i was sickeningly familiar with. A face i'd only ever seen on the news.

The hero killer, stain. Known famously for killing pro's, or mangling them beyond repair. Thats what had happened to Iidas brother, Ingenium.

Stain lunged at Midoriya, his abnormally long tongue poking out of his twisted smile. His body was dressed in rags, with rows of knives decorating each side of his torso. Two of which were now slashing out at my friend.

"Oh HELL no!" I shouted, launching myself off the roof of the building i stood on, adrenaline pumping through me as I plummeted toward the ground.

Midoriya heard my call and looked up, jaw dropping at the sight. "Bakuhashi?!! AH! Watch out!" He stressed, getting out of the way but worried about how exactly i planned on landing. Stain glanced up, Only then, it was too late. I dropped down directly on top of the man, blinded by determination to protect my friends. Both my feet came down on his shoulders, and my palms met his oily, bandaged face.

The thundering *BANG!* reverberated down the alley and Stain was buffeted backwards, clutching his head and screeching in pain. I hit the ground rolling, scraping painfully against the concrete but quickly getting to my feet.

"Midoriya!" I looked up, rushing to him and checking him over. "Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, thanks to you" he smiled meekly, though he sounded a lot more sure of himself than he did before the internships. My attention was drawn by Iidas raspy breath.

"Iida!" I cried, kneeling down beside him. "What happened?!"

"Stain. I think his quirk is paralysis, if he tastes your blood...then you're finished." Midoriya shook.

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 | ・゚✧:・゚| BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now