Chapter 8 |:| USJ!

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Bakuhashi pov

The USJ institute was huge, it was essentially a giant dome with different kinds of terrain so people can practice different kind of rescues. There was a water area, desert, urban and even one with a snowstorm, and so many others.


After we all walked through the door, a familiar woman in a large space suit came to greet us.

"Its thirteen! The pro hero that specializes in rescues! Shes saved so many people from natural disasters, her quirk is black hole, and she can suck up anything and turn it into dust!" Gushed Midoriya from beside me.

"Welcome, children. I am Thirteen. Today, we will be practicing and assessing your rescue skills, each of you will be put into a group and sent to one of the zones and from there you

She was cut off when a dark presence appeared behind her, a warp gate, and out of it, came...strange looking people carrying weapons.

"Villains? Wait i thought we were just rescuing today?" Asked Kirishima.

Aizawa stepped in front of us, pulling his goggles down. "This isnt part of the drill."

"Wait, those are real villains?!!" I gasped.

"Where...where is All Might?! That jerk is supposed to be here, the schedule we stole said he would be!" Raged one of them. He had mint blue, messy hair and scarred, pale skin with white, severed hands decorating his body. "Maybe if i kill a few kids, he'll come out to play..."

"They knew that we would be here..." growled Aizawa, "It all makes sense now, they used the reporters yesterday as a cover to sneak in."

More villains continued to pour out of the warp gate, almost endlessly.

"WHATEVER MAN!! YOU MADE A MISTAKE COMING HERE!" Yelled Bakugo, him and Kirishima lunging to attack.

"Wait! Stop!" Shouted Thirteen.

In an instant, everyone was ungulfed in black, smokey darkness. A result of the warp gate mans quirk.

When it finally subsided, i found myself dumped onto the ground in a completely new location.

"Oof....ow...what the hell happened?" I mumbled, looking up, i was squished underneath Bakugo and Kirishima, who were piled on top of me.

I tried to wiggle out but to no avail, "Hey, HEY! Get up guys! I cant move with your giant asses on me."

Bakugos eyes fluttered open, and he was on his feet in an instant, causing Kirishima to slide off his back and onto the ground with a thump.

"That stupid villain has some sort of portal quirk" he growled.

Kirishima slowly stood up, helping pull me up off the ground. We were in the forest zone, surrounded by tall, green trees. But we had eyes watching us.

", fourteen" i counted.

"Hey, we have company guys" i said quietly. The three of us stood back to back, covering any blind spots.

"How are they both so sweaty....gross"

All at once, the villains launched their attacks, jumping at us from the trees or firing at us with their quirks. We have no choice but to fight.

Kajiya pov

I opened my eyes to see a dusty, dry terrain around me, with a cough, i stood up.

"That villain sent us here. They planned this out" spoke a voice.

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 | ・゚✧:・゚| BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now