Chapter 2 |:| Entrance Exams!

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Alyce Kajiya pov


"I told you, you shouldnt have stayed up all night. Are you seriously already tired? We havent even started yet" i said, glancing at Madi.

"yeah yeah aly...i kn- aaaCHU!"

"Gah! Are you sick now too?!!" I jumped back from her.

"No way" she muttered, wiping away a drip of snot with her sleeve. "Allergies"


"Anyways" she continued, looking up to the sky, her sleepy expression turning into an excited grin. "Are you ready Alyce?!"

Earlier that day....

"WELL HEEELLLLLOOOO FUTURE U.A STUDENTSSSS!!!! KACHOWWW!! My name is Present Mic and its time to get HYPED BECAUSE TODAY IS ENTRANCE EXAM DAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!! Today, you will all take your written tests and then it'll be OFF TO THE PRACTICALLLLL. The practical exam will consist of YOU future heroes battling with MOCK VILLAINSSSS WOOOOOOOO!!!!!! These villains are U.A's adorable but GIANT robots!!!! Each different kind of robot has its own value!! And they can be up to three points! So try to destroy or incapacitate as many as possible before the time runs out! And remember that us faculty members will be watching you! So dont play dirty and start attacking your peers or we'll DISQUALIFY YOUUUUUU!!!! YEEEAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHH"

I shifted nervously in my chair, there were so many people here, its no wonder that UA's acceptance rates are so low....then again they are a first rate hero school that pumps out pro's like nobody's business.

Madi was practically bouncing in her chair beside me, in a way, i kind of envied the fact that she never seems to be nervous for these kinds of things.

Her pencil slowly rolled off the table and landed on the ground, she blinked down and stared at it for a moment, before bending down way to quick and-



"Or.....maybe shes just dumb....."

My gaze wandered towards the doors that we came through to get into this massive auditorium. They had three of these things, one for the aspiring heroes, one for people interested in the support course and the last one was for all of UA's smaller programs. Noia and Kim will surely be receiving their little pep talk. I wonder what kind of practical they'll have? Probably wont be related to fighting- oh shoot.

"Madi...i wasnt paying attention, what did he just talk about?" I whispered, scooting my chair over.

She looked at me with a confident grin, propping her head up on her hand. "Not a clue, i was looking at his wacky hair" she giggled.

"Excuse me sir!" Shouted an authoritative voice. Snapping my attention to him. A boy two rows in front of us stood up with his arm raised in the air.

"Erm...Yes? It isnt time to ask questions yet..." Responded Present Mic, hos voice echoing through the nearly silent auditorium.

"On the pamphlet that was handed out to us at the beginning of this presentation, there are four listed mock villains. You have only described three to us. I do not know if this is a mistake on the paperwork or if it is your own personal blunder but if it is a mishap then it is utterly unacceptable. The students gathered here today are here for the sole reason of becoming a pro hero at the best school and AS the 'best' school i expect you to hold yourselves to the standards that you will be holding us as students-"

"AAANNNNDD ima stop ya RIGHT there kiddo. You are correct! There are technically FOUR villains you can encounter. However, the one you have pointed out will get you a big fat ZERO points, so its best to avoid it if possible!"

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 | ・゚✧:・゚| BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now