Chapter 11 |:| Moving Day!

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Kajiya pov

"PUT YOUR BACK IN TO IT OR I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD CLEAN OFF!!" Raged Madis dad, sparks flying and sputtering from his palms.

"Y-yes sir!!" Warbled one of his poor, poor sidekicks. Reikan muttered insults while pinching the bridge of his nose in disappointment.

Currently, i was at the front of the dorm building, my parents were here with our car full of packing boxes and my mom had gone to go see principle Nezu, who was just outside the front doors at a table, with a list of names and room numbers. I was walking with her, but then i spotted a small moving van absolutely stuffed with boxes, bags and suitcases. Looks like Reikan, or, Demolition as everyone here would call him, had brought a team of his sidekicks and interns from his agency and was putting them to work. Barking orders left and right as they moved my friends belongings from the truck, to a stack outside, and from there, they would take them up to her room like a trail of worker ants. Madi was sitting atop that stack, kicking her feet excitedly and cheering on her dad's victims, but i could tell that they felt more belittled than motivated.

"Thats brutal..." mumbled a voice from beside me. "Is he even allowed to make them do that?"

Jiro. It looks like her parents are also here with her to help her move. I actually enjoyed her company quite a bit, tho i've only talked to her a little, seeing as how she sits behind me. She was calm and quiet. Didnt really stand out much.

"Ahah...yeah...Madis dad can be a little...unhinged"  I cringed as we watched as he picked up one of his sidekicks by the ankle and shook him around, screaming about laziness or something along those lines.

"Thats rough, but i see where Bakuhashi gets it from. I must say though im surprised that the number three hero is her dad, i never wouldve guessed." She mused.

I chuckled lightly at her comment, "Yeah, im pretty sure she just doesnt want him to outshine her, so she never tells people theyre related unless shes asked"

Me and Jiro talked a little more until she left to go help her parents with her boxes, so i wandered over to Madi.

"I knew your dad was a tough mentor, but they look more like slaves rather than students" I quipped, crossing my arms and leaning against the stack that she was perched on.

"Well, this is supposed to be their punishment" she said. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Right after the U.S.J incident, while i was still in the hospital, he went out on a mission, only taking a handful of his sidekicks with him, leaving the rest of them, as well as the interns at the agency. But when he got back, they had barely gotten anything done. So for slacking, this is what they get. About a quarter of these boxes arent even my things, theyre just sandbags that my dad is going to make them load back in to the truck after theyre all upstairs." she laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "I nearly forgot that ALL Bakuhashis are extra, not just Madi."

"But hey, isnt this exciting?! Its just like when we were kids and would pretend that we were college students dating super hot guys- except its not pretend!...and we arent dating any guys but thats beside the point" she babbled.

"Hah, yeah youre right, im actually pretty pumped but theres been so much happening, so im just....tired" i smiled faintly.

She looked at me with concern, but offered a grin of her own, thats when her dad loomed over us. I always seemed to forget how tall Reikan is.

"Alyce" he greeted with a nod, "My team of idiots will bring your boxes up next. It'll happen shortly. It shouldnt take long if they run up the stairs like i've asked them to." He spoke gruffly.

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 | ・゚✧:・゚| BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now