Chapter 23 |:| All Might!

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"Reikan Bakuhashi"

"'ve got to be kidding me" i muttered aloud. My DAD wanted me to be his intern?? Why?? I basically already am! Heck, before we got dorms, half the time i was at his agency, my pets are at his agency, i live there when im not at home. When i do stay there, he always ropes me into extra training and long monologues about success. To have to endure a week of that?? No thanks!

Despite Aizawas plans to force us into conditioning, everyone could tell from the chatter in the room that the rest of class would be spent discussing and sharing our internship options. So i grabbed my paper and rushed over to Alyces desk, pinning it down in front of her. She'd been reading over her own paper but quickly turned her attention to me.

"Who did you get??" She asked eagerly.

I didnt respond, only held up my sheet and pointed.

Her eyes widened as she held in a laugh, holding up her own paper and pointing to the first name that appeared. Sure enough, it was my dads.

"Maybe he just wanted to make sure we both had a place to intern at in case no other heros wanted us..?" Alyce tried.

"No. No way. He definitely expects us both to pick his agency."

"But- i go with you there all the time! He always makes us train against eachother and forces us to listen to long monologues about success and-"

"I KNOW! Imagine an entire week of that" i groaned. "But i dont know how to not pick him, hes my dad!"

"Can you get your mom to talk to him? Make him change his mind?"

"Im pretty sure shes in on it. She wont like the idea of me staying with a stranger, especially since it technically means i would be working against my dad. All pro heroes are competing constantly."

"Ugh, true" Alyce sighed, "Who else did you get on...your.....sheet" she trailed off, looking past me to what now lurked behind.

I felt the big presence, saw the shadow it cast over me. For a moment, i thought it was my father himself, come to ensure me and Alyce chose him.

My eyes met the bright blue ones of All Might, but it came with no relief, his grin showed that he was certainly about to throw an
All Might-sized monkey wrench in my plans.

"Young Bakuhashi!" He beamed, "Come with me!"

Alyces eyes dropped down to me and she mouthed "good luck". A chill ran down my spine.

"Yes? All Might?" I spoke quietly once we were out in the hallway. His expression showed no hint of negativity, yet the heavyness in the air hinted otherwise.

"I have good news for you my girl!" He chirped.

"Im not 'your girl' but alright..." i grimaced, "Okay...?"

"You'll be thrilled to know that you will be spending your internship with me!"




"You dont look thrilled, young Bakuhashi! Be thrilled!" He urged.

"Yeah. I dont think so" i frowned, "i got over a hundred offers, i still need to look through them all and pick who i-"

"No you dont, silly! Im saving you the time! Youre interning with me! Ha! Ha! Haaaaa!" He laughed heartily.

Now i was getting frustrated. All might certainly was no longer my favourite teacher and i certainly dont want to be his intern, but hes not making it sound like i have much of a choice. "Actually i think my father wants me to intern with him so i kind of have to-" i started, pulling out all the stops. All Might, Endeavour and my father had a long history of rivalry so hopefully this would be enough to deter him, yet he still interrupted me.

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 | ・゚✧:・゚| BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now