Briney Beard & The Tracks

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As you got better the cup relaxed more and gave you some leeway but after a few weeks the doctor cleared you as good as knew.
With no more crutches and no more casted up arm you and the cup went on dates and adventures some in which were he was taking you to the tracks of the phantom express the ghost train he told you stories about when you were healing and he was going to take you to meet his Pirate pal briney beard.
First was the tracks..
He lead you through the isles hand in hand and soon through the bushes and soon onto the track.
"Here it is the track of the phantom express! Like I told you before the train carried the souls of dead people they say if the train stops it'll go to the after n mugs haven't seen the train anytime soon so mugs thinks the train has stopped"
"Wow and you fought him?"
"You bet heh! On a platform while speeding on the track with the phantom express fighting us!"
"Toot sweet Jeepers at one point two souls on the train shot fire at us!"
"Fire? You didn't tell me that!"
He shrugged
"We walloped them what's the biggy? Heh you should've seen the front of the train! Fire rings and the furnace hatch we had to shoot so we could shoot the trains heart we were dodging and jumping over them while balancing on the platform while shooting heh!"
He explained
You hummed in concern..
"How many times did you die? Fighting the train?"
You asked
"Me personally twice..mugs died once"
"How did you?"
"I rather not princess I don't wanna upset ya"
You knelt down and felt the texture of the track.
"..fell off the platform..that wasn't all..hurt like a bitch..and uhm..I was hit by one of the flaming rings and it also knocked me of the track..mugs saved me though..he died from the hands that came down to smack total we fought 4 different souls before actually fighting the phantom express"
Cuphead explained
You furrowed your brows and stood up straight.
"You fell off?.."
"Yeah but mugs parryed my soul and I came back magically on the platform so"
He shrugged but you scooped him up in a hug letting his head rest on your shoulder.
"Aww you poor cup~"
"Wow hey-"
"All your deaths must've been so painfull and that's not fair you didn't deserve them~"
You continued
"I kinda did it was my fault me n mugs were collecting debtors souls in the first place so-"
"It was a mistake just because you made a mistake it doesn't mean you deserve to be set on fire or fall off a train platform onto the tracks or be eaten by a shark or or however else you've told me you've died!"
Cuphead smiled..
"Thanks princess..can yah put me down now?"
"No..your my teddy bear now Mr"
He chuckled a little but as you carried him up the track he realised you weren't joking..
"Naw princess come on now I'm okay I told ya I don't get nightmares anymore"
"Yes you do lier"
"Well i-not of the battles!"
"Yes you do..what about the other night when you were pleading to grimmatchstick not to burn you alive?"
"You heard that?"
He sighed gently
"You need cuddles whether you like em or not"
You replied
He sighed.
"Mm alright only because your like a teddy bear so soft and squishy"
He hugged you back.
"Maybe after this we can snuggle on the couch and play a game or somethin"
"I'd like that..I'd like that alot..the tracks so wide.."
"Yeah the trains fuckin huge"
You hugged him tighter..
"I love you so much my sweet prince"
"Heh I love you too"
You kissed his cheek which made him blush and his straw shoot up.
He kissed your cheek but then..moved his mouth to your neck and began to kiss you gasped..
"I think you should put me down now before kissing becomes biting~"
You gulped and did just that he's been really seductive at the moment..odd..
"Thank you"
"Y-your welcome"
He took your hand and lead you away from the tracks through the city and to the beach all the way on the otherside of the isles it took you hours..
On the way he told you about the fight with briney beard how he used a pink octopus to shoot rocks at them, how a barrel would try and crush them, a shark would attack them, a squid would ink them and hell shark fish would attack all while the boat would shoot cannon balls.
He told you about how the boat then turned into a narwhal boat and shoot beams at them..
He told you how he only died once from the shark but out of everyone he enjoys brineys company he wants to be a pirate one day and go on an adventure with briney.
"You'd be a really good pirate a sexy one for sure"
"Yah think so? Heh thanks I think you'd make a pretty sexy pirate yourself princess who knows maybe in the future you and I can get our own boat and become the captain's of our own ship!"
"I'd love that"
"It's settled then a pirates life for us!"
You both chuckled and swayed your arms back and forth lovingly.
When you got there he lead you onto the docks passed people who were selling fish and onto a large boat..
"Briney? Briney! You hear?!'
He called
"Cupheads is that you yer still as short as a starfish!"
He noticed you..jeez he's big..
"And who's this lass?"
"My girllfriend~"
"Yer girlfriend yeey say? By the seas of the Atlantic!"
"I knoww~ I came here to show her the boat and all your awesome treasures! Hoping you could tell us some stories!"
Cuphead declared
"Of course!"
He lead you both with his two peg legs to his quarters where two chests a table and a display cabinet where the cabinet contained a skull and other interesting objects presumably from travels and adventures.
Briney beard gave you a necklace to wear and the cup some rings for his handle he looked hot..
"You look good with the rings on your handle" you mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
He perked up and smirked..
"One day you'll have a ring to yah know~ just on yah finger~"
That shut you up with a deep blush.
"Are yeey too listenin or yer in yer own world?" Briney asked
"Sorry briney we're listening!"
Briney continued to tell his story of fighting a large seabeast and that was it the cup was hooked..his face lit up like a light bulb..the story was intense and amazing.
He showed you both his map and told you both the beers 🍻 he'd try on other islands..
You both spent easily 2 hours with briney he let you both put your hands on the helm and the cup even put on a pirate hat..making you as red as his nose..
"Yeey fancy his look lass?" Briney noticed..
"Indeed I do.."
You replied clearly lovestruck..
The cup looked at you with a smirk and a wink making you go  an impossible shade of red.
When you both had to leave you both gave back the rings and necklace as well as the hat you walked ahead a bit but waited for the cup ..but briney shook his hands.
"Me have to many of the hats yeey take it yeey could put it to better use then I" briney replied
"Really?!" Cuphead excitedly asked
Briney nodded
"Wow! Thanks briney!"
"Keep the rings to yeey could put em to good use of yeey know what me mean" briney replied
You saw the cup blush but nod and thank briney with a hand shake.
As you both wondered home the cup was thrilled about his hat and rings.
"Now I can be a real pirate! This is so fucking cool! I can't wait to tell mugs! Should I try the voice?"
He asked
"What voice?" You asked
"Don't yeey worry lass I'll protect yer from thee sharks! Argh!"
You giggled nervously
"S-stop it-"
"Whyy~ because I'm to hot and it's turning you on~~"
You looked away which made the cup smirk and move against you with an arm around your waist.
"Wh-why are you so horny? H-hm?"
"Cause you make me horny~"
You nervously smiled and avoided eye contact..
"Do you wanna go on more adventures?~"
"Great I know exactly where to take you tomorrow night!"
"Tomorrow? Night?"
He nodded.
"Aye lass~ tomorrow night~"

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