A Tease

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⚠️warning dry humping in this chapter if you don't want to read skip⚠️

M/N = mothers name


Your mother was up and out the door to go see an old friend so that left you with the cup at home..he was still snoozing so you decided to make some bacon and eggs for breakfast.
You were suprised when half way through flipping an egg arms wrapped around your lower chest and stomach.
"Princess? *yawn* watcha cookin?"
"Bacon and eggs"
He watched and hugged you from behind as you cooked.
"Do you want to sit at the table and wait? I'm nearly done"
"Nah I'm good where I am thanks...say where's your mum at? How come she didn't tell us off?"
"She went to see an old friend and..I don't know..perhaps she didn't know? Didn't realise?"
"Maybe..so we're alone?"
"Yeah mum said she'd be gone for an hour? Half an hour? Something like that she said she wouldn't be long"
You looked at the cup who was snuggled into the side of your chest under your arm a bit to watch you..he seemed to get concerned whenever your wrist got to close to the pan.
"I'm not going to burn myself cuphead.."
"..I wouldn't count on that.."
He looked up at you slightly with an eyebrow raise.
"You know..sky fall where you took me last night was really pretty thank you.."
"..your welcome.."
"Can I give you something in return?"
"no no no no it's okay"
"But that was your secret spot"
"I wanted to show you remember?"
"I still feel like I should give you something back"
"Like what?"
You asked curiously as you dished up too plates as your mother had already eaten..
The cup seemed to look around then his straw perked up straight as if he had an idea and his face lit up..only for his eyebrows to point down and a smirk to form..
"Oh I know exactly what princess~"
You froze at his new tone of voice one he hadn't used before..
His grip around your lower chest tightened.
"I think personally the princess should get a little taste of what her prince feels like? Whatdya sayy?~"
You gulped and a lump formed in your throught..you looked down slightly at the cup again as he smirked at you but turned off the stove..
"I-i don't know.."
The cup purred up to your side rubbing his head against your chest..it made your cheeks go pink automatically and you froze..
"W-what about breakfast?"
"Tsk breakfast can wait~"
Your pupils shrunk and your head perked up in shock when the cup moved against you..
Seeing he got something out of you he did it again.
"Y-you cant-we-"
He did it again.
His lower rubbed against yours dryly everytime with every Movement..
You gripped the bench with your nails a bit..the more he did it..it seemed the more you could feel him..he was getting hard..he started to grunt a bit..and you couldn't help but groan a little when it touched your behind..you were doing this in the kitchen though!..
You tried to move but the cup put all his body weight on you bending you over more onto the bench and pining you still.
He smirked more..when you looked back at him now..he raised an eyebrow with the same smirk..you could feel it clearly now as it pricked against your butt as solid as a rock almost....but it didn't stop him....
"My m-mum will be home any minuuuute~"
He did it again only this time he wouldn't stop pushing against you.
You felt him through your lower clothes.
"I don't think so princessss~"
Damn his accent!.
"You know the only problem here iss~ your height~ should we change that?"
You didn't even get a chance to protest before the cup caved your legs in sliding you down the bench till your knees were on the floor..he didn't let go of you he pulled you away from the bench until you were on your hands and knees.
"Now the princess~ shall get her prince~"
The cups head rested on your shoulder as he dryly abused your lower you heard him grunt in your ear and you groaned a little too he was rubbing it imbetween your legs now! This was torture!.
Both your body's rocked back and forth as the cup didn't hesitate to speed up as if wanting more of your moans..
He groaned and grunted but moved away from pinning you down and grabbed your waist with both hands you were a blushing mess..
The cup started to groan loudly and with one big dry grind on your butt he stopped..his pupils went large. His straw perked up straight then layed flattened and his cheeks became as red as his nose..his smirk faded into a nervous smile and he let go of you and sat down.
So you turned over so you sat down to..you stared at the cup as he had closed his eyes and was panting to the ceiling tea and sweat trickled down the side of his head..you looked at his boxers and noticed the bulge was lessening....wait....had he?....your blush went as deep as it could go..you stared up at him only to meet his gaze..
"I-uh..sorry about that..I was a bit.."
The cup rubbed the back of his handle.
"You..have nothing to be sorry for.."
"Oh~ so it was a good payback?"
You just gave him a smile this smile made him smirk again.
"I'll remember that"
"I uh...think your boxers will to.."
The cup blushed up and covered his lower..
"I'll ..I'll go get cleaned up heh.."
He scrambled to his feet and bolted off to the bathroom..
You got up off the floor and set the table..the front door opened..your mum was home.
"Hi honey I'm back how did breakfast go? Oh yum bacon and eggs good choice!"
"Thanks mum"
The cup walked out.
""All cl- hi M/N I was wondering where you were princess said you went to see and old friend"
"Indeed I did cuphead I'll leave you too to have breakfast I'll be in my room if you need me"
"Alright mum"
Your mum left to her bedroom..you and the cup looked at eachother with a sigh of relief and sat down..but didn't look at eachother..anytime you did you'd both blush..when breakfast was over the cup insisted on cleaning the dishes since you made the food and when this was done he had to go back to the city to get ready for the casino 🎰.
He pecked your lips after standing on his tiptoes.
"See you later princess"
"See you later cuphead"
You both waved goodbye and the cup was soon out of sight..
You blushed deeply in the door way..you could still feel him rubbing against you..that was not what you expected to happen..but it did feel good....

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