Never Leaving Your Side

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After the funeral of your mother the cup didn't leave your side.
He insisted that you should either stay with BF/N or them permanently.
That he would help you sell the house when you were ready..
But you didn't want to do that..
You wanted to stay.
On the occasion when you could slip away from the cup or BF/Ns sight you would go home to catch your parents scents and insconce yourself in the memories you had with them.
You didn't want to move on.
Not yet.
This didn't stop the cup or BF/N for that matter from trying their best.
It got to the point where cuphead wouldn't let you go to the bathroom by yourself just to make sure you were okay and when it came time for the casino the cup would bring you along and let you sit on the employee only couch.
He'd do this so you didn't wonder off and so he could keep a safe eye on you.

Today however you were at the brothers apartment with BF/N who cuphead instructed to keep you company and make sure you didn't leave as the brothers were running late for the casino and you didn't want to go.
All you did do while she was there was snuggle in the cups bed under his covers.
She checked on you every few minutes and asked if you were okay or if you needed anything and when the time came she made dinner for you both.
When you sat at the table you were as silent as a mouse and barely touched your meal.
Inevitably you left the table not wanting to eat anymore and went back to the cups bed.
BF/N and daisy watched you go.
Little did you know you were followed and when you climbed back into the cups bed a few moments later daisy crawled onto the bed to sit with you as you layed down.
Daisy whined in concern for you but knew he couldn't do anything to help you.

When the cup and mug got home you heard them talking.
"How is she?"
"She spent most the day in your bed right where you left her she came out for dinner but didn't eat much and went back to bed..I'm worried about her boys..I've.. to go through what she's going through..I want to help her but..I can't.."
BF/N stated
"The important thing is BF/N that we're trying our best all we can do for her right now is give her the best love and support we've got" mugman declared
"I know..I hope you boys have a nice me if anything happens"
BF/N stated
"We will Thanks BF/N"
"Thank you have a nice night"
BF/N left.
"I'll get dinner for us sorted..go check on her"
Mugman stated
"Trust me that's exactly where I'm going"
Cuphead replied
You heard footsteps and shuffling then soon the cup entered the room.
Daisy whined at him.
"Hey daisy how is she?"
Daisy whined again and hummed putting one of his leafy hands on your arm and looked at the cup with what you could only guess was sadness.
"Not good..I she sleeping?.."
Daisy hummed again but you slowly turned over in the bed to signal you weren't,the cup had unbuttoned his casino vest leaving him in just his white shirt and red shorts as he walked over.
"hey princess.. how are you doing? Can I get you anything?.."
You shook your head.
"BF/N said you didn't eat much dinner love"
"I'm not hungry.. "
The cup sighed a little saddly and nodded.
"Yeah..but you gotta eat something princess..mugs is making some lamb and salad do you maybe wanna try having some of that?"

The cup sat on the bed as daisy left.
"Princess..I can't imagine what your feeling because losing elder kettle isn't like losing both parents in such a short period of time....but I'm here for you and I want you to know you can talk to me about anything I'll get you whatever you need to cheer you up but not eating isn't going to help the pain it's just going to make it worse..and I don't want to see you worse then this.."
The cup leant over and pecked your cheek..
"I love you princess so please..come and eat something.."
You locked eyes with the cup and smiled softly at his gentle loving gaze which you didn't think would exist in such a prankster the way that it was now.
"I guess....a little lamb..won't hurt?.."
"Ada girl love"
The cup helped you sit up and you both exchanged a hug.
"I love you princess"
"I love you prince"
You snuggled into eachothers embrace.
"Why did you tell BF/N to keep an eye on me?"
"Cause I know you sneak away to your home love"
You froze a little but sighed saddly with your E/C eyes welling up
"I-i miss their scents.."
"I bet you do and it's going to take time but you can't keep going back there love..not while you're like this stage of will only make you..again feel worse.."
"Th-then what do I do? I-i don't want to move on yet-i don't want to forget them-"
You whimpered as you let your tears fall.
"Nobody said you had to forget them my princess nor did anyone say you have to move on yet you just take your time..You grieve for as long as you want I'm going to be right here with you the whole time I'm not leaving your side"
He placed his head ontop of yours as you both had gone into a level were you could properly snuggle up to eachother and were the cup could be taller..
"I'm never leaving your side"

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