Casino Brawl

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You were sitting on the couch in the employee lounge when you heard a rucuss stood up and walked over poking your head out only to see your soulmate being chased by a large rabbit with a blue tux and a saw..hocus..
The other debtors such as pip and dot and Piroletta just watched but others like mugman,mangosteen,wheezey,chips and dice tried to stop the phyco rabbit..
A crowd had swarmed and surrounded as the cup dodged attacks and tried to back away without hurting the rabbit..
But it failed when one dodge proved to be a mistake because hocus was expecting it..the cup was injured..his arm opposite to the scarred cracked one was now bleeding.
"Cuphead!" Mugman cried
You felt your blood boil..
Wheezey and chips tried to hold hocus back and fight him but the rabbit had a screw loose and fought back..dice even tried to stop hocus with mangosteen as mugman ran to his brothers aid but it was no use..
Your breathing increased expecting the worse as the rabbit approached your soulmate and his brother who was putting pressure on the cups arm..
Everyone trying to help was down and noone else wanted to stop the rabbit who swatted the mug into some tables and rasied the blade again to your lover..
You had to do something..
You ran out of the employee lounge and straight infront of the cup barraling him over out of the way of the swing..
"Princess what are you doing?!"
Cuphead asked as you quickly helped him up you moved him behind you..
"Trust me and stay behind me"
"What!? No! You cant fight here you-"
"Whats the matter cuphead need protection from your girlfriend?! Huh!?" Hocus snapped as he approached
"No! Look Hocus i know your upset man but come on! I didnt mean to upset you this much it was just a prank!" Cuphead replied putting pressure on his wounded arm with his other.
"I dont care!!"
Wheezey and the others had gotten up but you kept your place infront of the cup.
The rabbit laughed as you moved the cup back when he approached.
"Princess stop I'm fine go back to the lounge!" Cuphead demanded
"No if this rabbit wants to get to you he has to go through me first.." you argued
You were scared but you couldnt let this rabbit hurt your mate..he was hurt enough already..
The cup was taken had never shown any sign of aggression or protective behaviour..yet here you were standing infront of him wanting to protect him..
"Hahahahaha and what are you going to do!? Haha!"
Hocus laughed
"Come closer and you'll find out cotten tail"
"Princess!-" cuphead gasped
Oohhs were heard throught the casino.
"Is she crazy?!" You heard wheezey declare
"Yep shes got a death wish" chips replied
"Noone calls hocus cotten tail he hates it!" Mangosteen replied
Hocus gritted his teeth.
"Why you little bit-"
"Dont talk to my princess like that!-"
The cup went to approach the rabbit aggressively but you used an arm to hold him back.
Hocus growled and approached with the blade but he dropped it.
"I dont need it to take you out! Puny human!" He snapped he closed the distance between you both and swatted you into the mug who had only just managed to get to his feet.
Hocus picked up the blade with a laugh and some of the demons scratch that all of the demons laughed..
"What did she think was going to happen? Haha!" Wheezey laughed..hocus was closing in on your cup for a fatal was now or got up off of the table and mugman that you crashed into and helped him up before turning and charging at the rabbit.
Anger boiled inside of you you no longer had any control of your actions or the otherside of you.
Your dino instincts took over..the cup noticed your anger as you charged.
"Princess No!" Cuphead cried
Hocus looked at you just in time to see you change..they all saw you lunged with a roar at the rabbit and clamped your jaws on the arm that held the blade.
"Aahhh!" Hocus shrieked dropping the blade..
"Holy shit!" Chips gasped
"What the fuck!" Wheezey gasped
"What is she?!" Mangosteen asked
"Fucking hell shes a hudin!" Dice declared
"Oh my!" Piroletta gasped
You pinned the rabbit down who tried to kick you off..his blood filled your jaws but with a back kick from one of his legs you let go and moved back he swiped at you so you bit one of his feet letting go when he kicked you off with the rolled on the floor to infront of the cup with a sqwuak you stood up ready for more..
Hocus scrambled back up to his feet with a limp but picked up the blade again..charging at you the best he could you swiftly turned around and with a tail wack the rabbit went flying into some tables..
Panting you changed back to human..
You werent used to fighting so you were drained..Dice and wheezey managed to detain him and take him away but everyone else was staring at you..
You felt proud of yourself until you realised what you had put your fingers to your mouth and nose..pulling it away..there was blood..looking down it was on your shirt to..your heart rate sped up and dread filled your hurt really..hurt turned around and saw the cups eyes..
Full of..fear?..
He backed away and his brother came to his aid wrapping a teatowel around his arm for pressure when you tried to approach they moved back more.
You didn't understand..why were they scared of you they knew what you were..
How could you have done this? hurt someone so were a monster..just like you always knew you were..
The cup had tears in his eyes as he stared at you and yours welled up should backed off and looked around at all the demons and creatures looking at you in started to choke on your tears..
"I-i'm s-so sorry-i-"
You shook your head side to side and ran off right out the casino doors..
Noone blocked your way and noone followed knew where to go and it was the cups used the key the cup and mug got for you and unlocked the door..quickly packing your had to couldnt face the cup after what you had done..the way he looked at you made your heart fill with agony..agony that you had finally gotten rid of was now back..
You knew the cup could feel it..
You knew the cup and mug would be sent home because of cupheads arm so you were quick to pack your things and leave the apartment leaving the key and a note for the brothers on the table.
You looked at daisy..
"..goodbye daisy.."
"Mm? Mm mm!" He shook his head but you walked to the door..
Daisy grabbed your leg and pulled on your pants shaking his head..
"I-i have to go d-daisy please let g-go"
Daisy shook his head again.
"Mm mm!"
"I didnt know she had it in her to hurt someone.."
You froze..
"Neither did i but its all going to be fine hocus will live at least he knows no not to mess with you.." mugman stated jokingly "he kind of deserved it for hurting your arm" he continued
"I agree but mugs.. my princess really just attacked hocus she hurt him..i don't know what to say to her.."
"She was protecting you cuphead" mugman stated
"I know but.."
..they were coming..
"I-i'm sorry daisy.."
You gently moved the flower off your leg and away from you and before he could cling to your leg again to stop you flung your bag onto your back and ran out the door and down the stairs in tears..
Straight passed the cup and mug who were coming up the stairs..
"Princess stop where are you going! Come back! Princess!" The cup shook your head side to side and ran out of the city straight to your cottage unlocking the door with your threw your bag off of your back onto the couch and moved to the phone on the wall spinning the dial..
You had to get away from here so you couldn't hurt anyone else..
"H-hello i'd like to book a boat ticket"
"Uhhuh o-off the inkwell isles..mhm..oh tommorow..perfect thanks b-bye.."

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