The Hospital

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The cup would watch you restlessly at the side of the hospital bed, after you were taking to the hospital you were bed ridden for a few days to heal..
You were constantly given morphine to help with the pain whenever it got to intense and you were often fed food and water to help build your strength up.
the cup never left your side just like he had promised..even when you rested and woke again you'd find him staring at you with his tired eyes refusing to sleep himself incase you were to be taken again.
He refused to go to the casino he refused to move an inch your injurys were casted and tended to but you still had to stay so your body could get it's strength back.
When you woke up from another nap the cup was staring at you with droopy eyes and tear stained cheeks..
"Hey princess..are you hungry? Thirsty?" He asked
You winced but shook your head and weakly replied.
" look so tired.."
"I'm fine" he replied
You shook your head.
"No-no your n-not"
He sighed but kept staring at you
"I need to protect you..I need to keep you safe.." he declared
"Y-you can't do that if you p-pass out from fatigue.." you weakly replied
He groaned in annoyance but rested his head in his arms.
"And what if I sleep and someone takes you?" He asked
"W-why don't you come in the-the bed with me?" You grunted in pain from your arm.
"Are you hurting again? Do you need morphine? Do you want me to get the doctor?!" He shot up in panic hearing your noise of pain.
"no-no-no i-i'm okay it's just my arm..but..I do need the toilet.."
You replied.
A female doctor or nurse would usually help you but as the cup poked his head out and called for someone you both found everyone was busy..something big must've happened if nobody was available..
"There's nobody I'll help you come on" the cup declared he shook off his slumber and helped you out of the bed.
With your leg wrapped in a bandage and sore it was difficult to walk but the cup helped you and carried your weight..
He helped you out and to the toilet he didn't care about the other people and came into the toilet with you.
"I-i can do the rest you don't have to-"
You started embarrassed by the ordeal..
"Nonsense I'm helping you whether you like it or not"
The cup helped you lean on him and assisted you in lowering your lower clothes and sitting you on the toilet.
"There see? No biggy" he declared
You were as red as a tomato.
"C-can- you go now?"
"C-cover your ears at l-least"
"Fine fine if it makes you feel more comfortable"
The cup faced the door and covered his ears..
It was..afterwards that was the most embarrassing part..
When you were done you managed to clean yourself up but the second you tried to stand the cup went back to aiding you..
Helping you stand,pull your lower clothes up and of course flush.
"You good?"
You nodded
"Just -hurts-"
"Let's get you back to bed"

~~lil timeskip~~

The cup was helping you back to bed and you were as red as his embarassing..he didn't seem to care though..
He helped you back into bed which was a relief for your sore limbs..the cup went back to sitting in his seat and watching over you..
He perked up straw and all.
"Yes princess? What can I get for you?" He asked
"Can you rest with me?" You asked
The walk to the toilet and back had tuckered you were ready to nap again..
"Am I allowed to do that?" He asked
"I dont care..p-please..I need you.." you replied the cup furrowed his brows but moved off of the chair and into the bed with you..
He cuddled up to you at your side which made you relax..
"Thank-thank you.."
"Your welcome.."
You managed to sneak your good arm around him he hugged your torso and rested his head beside yours.
You looked at him and you both smiled at each other.
"Are you sure your not hungry or thirsty?" He asked
You shook your head.
"I just- can't wait to come home.." you replied
"I can't wait until you can come home to" cuphead replied
"D-did da-daisy go back to Cagney?" You asked
"I don't know..Ive stayed with you remember?" He replied
"O-oh right...."
The cup gave you a gentle look.
"Can't I just come home n-now- can't we just go home now?" You asked
"No because if you've not healed enough and we go home something bad could happen and I don't want that so until the doctor says we can go home-you can go home your staying right here and I'm staying with you" cuphead replied
You groaned.
"I-i hate this-this place.." you replied
"I know princess..but we'll home before you know it just rest up" he replied
You layed your head comfortably at your side and got into a comfortable position.
"Ada girl I'll be right here if you need anything okay?" Cuphead replied with a peck to your forehead..all you did was him in response before your eyes fluttered closed and you fell asleep again..
During your light slumber you could feel the cups warmth and gently breathing beside could tell at one point he was sleeping to but you were comforted even more when he woke up to give affection to your casted wounds with kisses and I love yous..
Briefly in your light slumber you heard mugman visit and place something on your bedside while speaking to cuphead but you knew everything was going to be okay with cuphead by your side you were safe at last.

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