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It had been a few weeks and you had been getting alot better mostly due to cupheads protectiveness and him not letting you do much without freaking out..
Today though would hopefully be different the brothers were still in bed and you wanted to make some food for breakfast.
With your crutches you made your way into the kitchen and managed to with your one hand make pancakes although it was a bit of a struggle you managed..
Until well..
"What's goin? Who's out here? Mugs? Is that you? Hm??- Princess!!"
The cup mumbled then suddenly shouted you not noticing jumped and burnt your only good arm on the frypan..
The cup quickly came to your side and moved you gently away from the frypan..
"Princess what are you doing?!"
"I was just making breakfast"
You replied gesturing to the pancakes on the plate that piled up..
He clawed at his eyelids and pointed his eyebrows down..
"What have I told you about this type of stuff your supposed to be relaxing and healing! Taking it easy not cooking breakfast me and mugs are more then capable your hurt you shouldn't be-"
He sternly started
"Okay I'm sorry I just-i'm sorry.."
You replied
"You boys have been so sweet to me and I wanted to repay you both by making you breakfast that's all"
You continued
"By cooking pancakes on a hot stove with your one good arm in crutches?!"
"....I know your upset with me but please calm down it's not that big of a deal Ive been doing better haven't I?" You replied softly to his sternness.
"Calm down!? Hah! doing better? Yes! Healed no! Princess you still struggle to go to the toilet by yourself what made you think you could make pancakes by yourself without help!?" He sternly continued
"I have made pancakes I've made a whole stack I've been fine!"
You replied
"Fine until you set the frypan on fire or knock your casted arm or Or! set your crutches on fire!"
He sternly replied
"Why are you being like this?" You asked
"Being like what? I'm not being like anything!"
He sternly declared pointing a warning finger.
You felt fearful but gulped it down as much as you could..
"Y-your being overprotective! I understand your concerned but this-this is ridiculous!"
You replied raising your voice slightly.
"Overprotective?! I'm Not Being Overprotective!"
He growled
Your E/C eyes welled up a bit now he was growling at you? You didn't have the energy nor the strength for this....
"Y-yes you are!....you want me to go rest? f-fine I'm going! You can deal with the p-pancakes."
You started to limp away with your crutches when the cup noticed your burnt good arm..it was a good one..
"Princess your arm!"
"l-leave it-"
"What? No let me put some cold water on it! Oh wait even better I'll get some frozen peas hang on!"
He continued softly trying to gently stop you.
"J-just Leave It!.."
You cried looking back at him in the eyes..
"P-please-please j-just leave it.."
You sulked
The cups straw dropped and his eyebrows furrowed sadly seeing your now tear stained cheeks and leaking E/C eyes..
"I-its fine.."
You went back to the room and flomped onto the bed removing the crutches from under your armpits and leaning them on the bed..
Your teary E/C eyes looked at your burnt it would hurt for a bit but heal like the rest of you..with time..
You heard the mug emerge and the brothers chat..soon..the cup walked in..you didn't look at him as he walked over until he sat beside you and took your newly injured arm and placed something cold to your burn..
You gasped a little and looked..
Frozen peas..
He looked at you..
"I'm sorry.."
You looked at him..
His straw was still drooped but his eyes at least had their sparkle back..
"Your right..Ive been overprotective..I'm sorry I just..your so important to me i-i don't even think you or anyone could comprehend how important you are to me and how much I love you! I just- I can't lose you!..and yet I..I nearly did..you were nearly killed just by-by knowing me! I could've lost you forever!..it scared me and it still does to think if me and mugs were a few minutes later or a day later or- I just- I didn't want to find you like how we found your-your mum i-i just oh god I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned your mum! Gah stupid!"
The cups eyes welled up and pooled out as yours dried up..
"Cuppy your not stupid it okay-"
"No no it's not I am so sorry I've been so overprotective it's just- I don't want you hurting yourself by accident and I want to make sure you heal okay i-i mean it's the least I can do when these injurys are- they're my fault! I failed! I promised you I'd keep you safe that I'd protect you and i-i hiihii~ I f-failed i-i let you down y-you nearly died and it would've been a-all my- f-"
You didn't let him finish..you hugged him tightly.
"Oh oh Cuppy no no no no no no none of this is your fault my sweet prince no~" you cooed "you or mugman could never have known those people were after me this wasn't anyones fault you didn't fail me my amazing cup you saved me..you saved me okay? You found me you found me and you didn't give up you kept searching you stayed strong! I know that was probably so hard for you wasn't it?" You continued he nodded in your already soaked shirt..
"You didn't fail me and none of this is your fault"
"W-what about the b-burn on your arm? I scared you!"
He sniffled
"I shouldn't have been in the kitchen you were right to it was stupid of me and dangerous it was an accident it wasn't you fault you didn't do it on purpose it's not like you grabbed my arm and put it on the frypan..and your fixing me now aren't you? Hm? So what does it matter?"
"Mmmm~b-because you got even more hurtttt~"
He sniffled
"Oh my prince..I'm alive because of you..because you succeeded you found me and you saved me you did your job the best you could have I wouldn't have it any otherway okay?"
You continued he sniffled..
"It's not your fault alright?"
He nodded..
"It's not your fault my angel.."
Cuphead perked up and pulled away from you gently with a smile..
"I-i'm not an angel"
"Yes you are..your my angel.."
His eyes sparkled heeps..
"Y-your my angel to..your my saviour..my princess..my soul..my-my everything!"
With that he clung onto you like a koala again slipping his waist on-top of your and wrapping his legs around you to stay as close as possible..
"Aww cuppyy~"
You cooed
"You be as protective as you need to be if it makes you feel better okay?..I'm sorry I misjudged your reasons behind it I should've known.." you continued
"It's okay i should have told you why I was acting weird so protective in the first place I should have told you about how it felt after you were taken..i'm so glad I have now..I feel so much better..thank you for listening..I mean..your here your alive your okay that's all that matters..that your safe"
Cuphead replied
"I'm safe because of you my prince charming~"
"Too can play at that game fairest of them all~"
"Aww s-stop~ I love you~" you blushed up like his nose.
"I love youuuuuuu~"
He cooed with lots of cheek kisses making you giggle..
What a lover cup..

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