Bumping Into You

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M/N = mums name


"Come on Y/N we got to get you out and about! Casino or not!"
"I'm not going BF/N!"
"How long are you going to hide around at home for?"
"You can't hide from him forever!"
"He found out what I am! "
"So what?"
"So i-i can't! He'll hate me or be scared of me!"
"Your the one that's scared of him!"
"Your right I am!"
Your mum scolded
"M/N tell her she can't hide from him forever she has to face him at some point!" BF/N stated
"Some point not now!"
You replied
"BF/N has a point honey" Your mum declared
"I need you to at least go and see him..go to the casino..order some food that's it.."
Your mum stated
"Oh no no no no no No!"
"Y/N!" Your mum sternly declared
"....okay..fine..just ordering food.."
BF/N cheered she grabbed your hand and rushed you out the door straight to and into the devils casino.
You both sat at a table and chatted for hours while ordering food.
You told BF/N about the encounter With the cup and mug at quadratus and on the cliff face and BF/N told you about her improvement in her garden out the front of her home.
All was well and good when the food arrived and was eaten you both ordered drinks same as last time.
A nether side cocktail and a long descent flamed tea.
Neither of you had seen the cup yet but anxiety hit you when you saw who was bringing your drinks over..
You hid your face in your hoodie.
"Shit I am so sorry Y/N" BF/N mumbled
The situation got way worse when he arrived at the table.
"One nether side cocktail and one long descent flamed tea....wait a second aren't you-hey!"
The cup got bumped by a careless demon passing by and bumped into the table spilling the drinks all over..you..
"Gah fuck I am so so sorry! Here let me get that!" He took a cloth off of the plate the drinks were on but when he tried to help.
You gently pushed him away and ran out the casino in tears..who wouldn't cry if they got drinks spilt on them infront of their crush!. Their soulmate!.
You didnt even think about were you were going the tears clouded your sight..this was until you stopped running and layed against a tree.
Hiding your head in your arms.
Your body reeked of alcohol now..you knew it wasn't his fault or BF/N....
After a while you decided to go home and get cleaned up.
Explaining it to your mum before doing so.
Once you were in clean clothes and left your room BF/N was standing there beside your mum.
"Y/N I am so sorry I didn't know he was going to bring the drinks or get bumped are you okay?!"
"I'm alright BF/N"
"You know he was pretty worried about you when you left like that..he felt really guilty for making you so upset!" BF/N explained
"H-he was?"
"Yep! Infact he offered to pay for the drinks for us!"
"He did?.."
"Uhuh sure did you should have seen his face!" BF/N explained "his eyebrows were all furrowed with guilt and his pupils went big watching you run off so upset! He definitely likes you! Dinosaur and human!" BF/N continued
"Why of course he does he called Y/N cute because of it the other day" Your mum stated.
"He did?!" BF/N asked
"You Bet hun!" Your mum replied
"Oooooh Y/Ns got a boyfriend!!"
"Shh n-no I don't!"
"Not yet you don't!"


you all looked at the door.
"Hello? Anyone home?!"
BF/N and your mum gasped but BF/N answered the door.
"Is she here?"
"Who here?"
"You know who I'm talking about I don't have much time I'm on my only break and I ran all the way here.. please.."
"Y/N~ Someone's here to see you~"
You shook you head but your mum pushed you gently towards and out the door were BF/N shut it so you couldn't escape interaction.
You looked at the door..then nervously down a little at the cup.

(Your 5'3 and the cup is 3'11 he's in level with your chest.)

"Hey! Hi thank gosh your alright..you had me worried there when you took off...wait..are you alright?"
You nodded.
"Yeah I'm alright.. "
The cup raised an eyebrow but nodded.
"I just wanted to check on you..I'm so sorry that happened that jerk of a demon wasn't watching were he was stepping and I didn't see him if I did I wouldn't have.. I'm so sorry"
"It's alright..it wasn't your fault.."
Cuphead smiled.
"It wasn't yours either..it was good to see you again.."
"It.. was good to see you to.."
"Can we uh hang out some time? Without your friend or my brother? Maybe a walk?"
You blushed up.
"I-i would like that"
The cup grinned.
"Hell yeah!..I'll see you soon then! I'll swing by tomorrow!"
The cup ran off but waved before he dissappeared out of sight back to the casino.
BF/N opened the door.
"He wants to..take me for a walk..tomorrow.."

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