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Previously on TCL...

Once Faith's car seat was secured, Mike looked around before pulling something out his pocket. He put a cloth doused in chloroform over Fatima's mouth and nose to knock her out, she put up quite a fight before the gas just took over. He gently placed her in the car before closing the door and hopping into the car.

He made a quick phone call just as he put the car in park and began the adventure. "Hulk 4424 to base. Code is HLUK 2424."

"You have been connected." The operator spoke. "I have both of them, both of them are safe and secure, and I am en route to you now commander." Mike hung up after getting the confirmation.


| 24 hours later |

Freezing cold.

Locked windows and doors.


Beautiful room.

All the words that makes up where Fatima has woken up too, she has been up for about 5 minutes and has tried to escape with no end. She was currently hooked up to an IV and her ankle chained to the bed railing which was limiting her scope of movement.

Her body tired. Beyond tired at that. She was bundled up in the many blankets to break the ice cold breeze running through her body. Next to her was a bottled water, a cup of orange juice, and breakfast. It was clear those three things were put their prior to her waking up, almost as if they knew today was the day she would awaken.

As much as she didn't trust nothing considering how she ended up getting poisoned, she was gonna take that risk. Her body needed something in her stomach. If she goes out by food, then so be it. Slowly leaning over in pain, she grabbed the plate, and began eating. "They definitely not black." She lightly chuckle tasting the lack of seasoning on her plate.

Washing that unsatisfactory breakfast down with water, it was the only thing she could see clearly from. No cloudiness or weird specs inside of it, with how thick and colorful OJ is, there's no guarantee. Hearing the click of locks, she quickly slumped down in pain to pretend like she was sleeping.

Her eyes barely covered by the blankets forced her ears to play the field, listening to the tone of the person walking let's her know it is a man. Specifically a heavy set man from how the wood creeks when he walks. "Fatima, I know you're not sleep."


She remained still.

"I literally saw you eating not even 3 minutes ago along with everything else beforehand." She rolled her eyes, knowing that voice from anywhere. She defeatedly peeked up from the covers to see Mike with a coffee mug in his hand, the hot steam and nutty smell definitely let her know it was a hazelnut coffee. Freshly brewed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sitting down on one of the chairs next to the bed, she didn't utter a word. Only looking at him, knowing this would be her last time ever trusting a man. Her father. Her fiancée slash baby father. And Mike. Someone who was supposed to protect her has turned into a nightmare from hell. That and his nine of lives of continuing to pop up at the most ironic times.

"Where is my daughter?" She finally spoke.

"She's safe, currently being fed." He spoke taking another sip of his coffee. "And why am I chained up? Very hostage like for somebody who is so hell bent on me getting the truth." She spoke lifting her foot from under the bed, in pain, still unknown why.

"I have no plans of holding you hostage nor going to federal prison for kidnapping a federal agent, me doing that was only as a safety precaution for the both of us." He expressed relaxing in the seat, her eyes squinted. "Couldn't tell from the silver jewelry holding me to the bed post."

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