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| Same Night |

"You know we haven't had our talk right?" Zac asked her. All three of them were in the back of the black truck, yet again as they drove to separate hotels. Zac had to check in with his team and he wanted another shower, he didn't feel clean although he showered at the Bears facility. Although his team won by 3 points, his performance was nothing short of bad. From getting sacked 4 times, 2 picks, and a fumble. But he still managed to win 24-21 as he threw for two touchdowns and racked up 289 passing yards.

"Mhm." She hummed. She had her head leaned up against the cold window as she felt a headache coming through. She knew she stressed herself out the last two days so she just wanted to get back to Atlanta and calm down.

"Do you wanna do it before dinner or after?" He asked pulling out his phone. It really didn't matter to him because the outcome would be the same. He had a lot of things he wanted to get out but it's the timing of it that mattered. They talk first and she goes to the dinner pissed which takes away from her special day. Or she goes to the dinner first has a special day that is later on ruined by their talk. Can't win.

"Doesn't matter." She lowly stated.

"You good?" He asked noticing her demeanor.

"Yeah my head just hurts really bad." She began rubbing her temple hoping to ease the tension. "And your son been on one all damn day." She added.

He chuckled. "It's not funny Zac that boy really know how to charm his way into whatever he want."

"Why you think he named Junior? He take after me." He smirked before looking out the window, he saw the face she made and wanted no parts of it.

"We can talk after the dinner." He said noticing the time, she nodded. A few minutes later, Mike dropped Fatima off in front of the hotel.

"Noooo!" Junior yelled once he realized she was the only one leaving. Zac hasn't spent much time with him this past weekend and figured they can hang out together while Fatima gets herself together.

"He woke up?" She asked turning around and ducking into the car, she watched Zac struggle to keep Junior together as he was moving his body every which way.

"I go with mommy!" He yelled in the car as more tears ran down his face.

"You don't wanna hang with daddy?" He asked taken back, Junior was always team daddy so now he was feeling jealous that Junior wanna be up under Fatima.

"No!" Fatima ran her hands down the side of her face in pure exhaustion. "It's fine. I'll take him."

"Are you sure?" Zac asked looking up at her. He could tell by her body language that she was in no mood to deal with anything.

"Yeah. Plus I hate hearing him cry." She opened the door and watched him scoot out the car. "Grab your jacket and hat." He went back in the car grabbing them before he returned out the car.

"I'll text you when I'm ready." She told Zac before making her way inside the hotel with Junior. Mike and Zac waited out front to ensure she got in the building before they went to his.

Once Zac made it into the hotel he went up to the lobby, he requested an entirely new room after what happened last night, he would be a dumbass to stay in that room knowing Laila has already broken into it. He even paid the man who took the request $200 to put the room under an alias so it couldn't be tracked back to him.

See...y'all was quick to get on him a few chapters earlier..y'all need to trust the process🤣

He grabbed his new key card before stopping by the bar and waving to all his teammates and making his way up to his room. He kept it simple with his outfit. He wasn't there to impress nobody. He threw some growth oil and pomade on top of his waves and finished it off with a durag before he hopped in the shower. Fatima has been taking over the shopping in the Taylor household and has him on a tight skincare and body care schedule, Zac hated it at first until he realized how important those two go hand and hand. Don't get it twisted, Zac is washing his ass. He not no funky dick nigga but he is now going to natural products that have additional benefits over the stuff he was using prior. His skin was no longer drying out quickly or cracking and he could smell the soap on him all day. Plus with him taking hits all day, he needed something that helped healing of scar tissue. After his shower, he did his face cleanse along with brushing his teeth and threw some clothes on. He watched his highlights until he got a text from Fatima.

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