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*Posting early today because I got called in for a double*

| Saturday |

"Baby...it's time to get up." He kissed her in between words, it was currently 9 AM and the reveal was at 5:30 PM. He crouched down to Junior's bed since that was where she was sleeping and began kissing her stomach that was peeking through the shirt.

He watched her shutter before moving some, he kissed her lips a few times as his hands began to rub her stomach. She shot up like a Chicago nightclub when she felt the hand, giving her flashbacks of the night of the hospital.

"My fault." He lowly chuckled, seeing her chest heave up and down. Looking next to her seeing Junior sleeping away with her bonnet on, she doesn't even know how that happened. She went to sleep with it on and now he got it. "What's going on? Why you wake me?" She yawned out covering her mouth.

Standing up and extending her arm out, "I got a surprise for you." She hesitantly grabbed her hand as he helped her up, dragging her arm into the bedroom. She looked around looking for the surprise, "I'm no expert but is the surprise in the room with us or...?"

He chuckled before turning her to face the wall mirror, standing behind her as he pushed her shirt up to show her beautiful belly, as he gripped it. He was honestly surprised she let him hold her like this, the previous times she would swat his hand away and create distance between them. "The surprise is today, the entire day. We are gonna go get you pampered and then we have to be back here at 5:30."

She pouted, "What about my mid-day nap?"

"You can still have it baby, we just gonna work around it." He kissed her cheek before looking into the mirror. "But right now we gotta talk...I'm not really good with this so just bare with me." He chuckled just thinking about how he might fuck this up, knowing how her mood has been this week.

"I know you haven't been in the best mood maybe because of your father and Mike, or you are ready to pop, or the home invasion, or a million other things that has our life being broadcasted all over the news for the world to see. However, today and everyday from here on out is gonna be a good day. We are gonna get your nails and feet done, we gotta go to Target, and the mall. The black card has officially came out of retirement, so do your worst."

Her face turning into a soft smile hearing that, she has definitely been in a funk, mostly because she is waiting on her mother to reach out to her. But who was she kidding, she really wanted answers from her father. The amount of calls and texts being made out to him is what made her worry, that and his location being at the condo. Never once moving. Each time she checked it, he was at the house.

Snapping herself out of those thoughts, "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time, I-" Her sentence being cut short from Zac hands being placed on her lips to shush her. "I already know and I don't fault you for it. Long as you know...I love you even more today than I did before all this happened." He admitted looking at her through the mirror.

"Really?" She asked in shocked, he nodded his head yes. "Definitely. If this was my life, I probably would've crashed out a long time ago. Like a longgggg time ago. But each time shit happens, you- we come out stronger, and that's what it's all about right? Coming out stronger each and every time."

"Let me find out that therapy working for you." She joked with him, knowing how he wasn't down for therapy. He suggested to her but declined it at first believing he didn't need it. He didn't have trauma or a messed up child hood, but what he did come to learn through therapy is how hard it is to always be in the spotlight. Being recorded and broadcasted all day everyday takes a wear on your mental because you are always being followed.

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