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| August 2024 |

4 months later...

"Hold on a second." Fatima put her index finger up to the person who was in the room, she grabbed her office phone that had been going off. "Hello?" She answered as she listened to the other person ramble on.

"Yes, I am getting ready for the press conference now." She omitted, she was currently in her office eating soul food from this new spot that opened up down the block from her. She made sure to be the first person in line, ordering deep-fried catfish and all the sides, she even wanted to try their honey-glazed cornbread; she had terrible PTSD growing up of bad cornbread. Either too dry, too rough, or no flavor. So when she saw a TikTok video of how moist and delicate it was she had to try it.

I have never eaten cornbread, corn pudding, shit-lings, or rice pudding🌚 take my black card.

"I already have my speech ready and we are ready to make the arrest as soon as we get the needed evidence from the investigators assigned to the case. Listen we need to move correctly which is why I am not revealing everything we have. If I reveal too much, he will hop on a jet and disappear." She stated closing up the styrofoam box that held her lunch.

"Okay I hear you. Bye." She hung the phone up before turning her attention to in front of her. There in front of her stood a brown man dressed business professional holding a large set of flowers, her favorite.

"Hey Devin." She smiled widely standing up, taking the flowers sniffing them, she never knew why she smelled them but she saw people in movies do it, so she just follows them. Not even sure what they are supposed to smell like.

Harpo who is this man?

"Of course." He happily smiled watching her place the flowers down behind her desk, making sure the blinds were open so sunlight could hit them. She got up grabbing her coat to go over her dress before grabbing her work phone and a few files for the press conference that is being held outside the building. The attorney general, her boss Robin, informed her of this press conference as it kicks off one of her bigger cases in her career. With her being acting DA for a little over three months, majority of the cases were small, but this case is what could make or break her career in office depending on outcome.

The elevator dinged onto the lobby level of the building where a million cameras flashed as soon as the doors opened. Devin took his left hand placing it on the nape of her ass while his other hand blocked crazy reporters and photographers who were too close to Fatima. She walked with her head down and one hand covering her eyes to shield the amount of flashing that was illuminating the area. They had armed officers there as well pushing unauthorized personnel back before she made it outside.

Once she made it outside she chatted with Robin before going up to the podium. Behind her was Devin, Robin, the governor, police officers, and other authorized personnel. While she waited for everyone to get settled in the crowd she began to briefly read off her talking points before she turned her eyes to the crowd. She spotted Zac and Junior in the crowd, giving them a quick smile before reverting her attention to her papers. Zac and Junior weren't gonna miss her big day regardless of anything they had going on.

Once the crowd that stood outside on the steps of the building ceased talking, Fatima waited a few seconds before speaking.

Good afternoon everybody,

On May 18th, 2024, officers of the Atlanta Police Department Precinct 4 were given orders directly from me, presiding District Attorney as well as Robin Scott, Attorney General, to pick up and arrest three suspects in connection to an ongoing federal investigation. Three arrest warrants were issued for Gary Borders, Hayden Morris, and former DA Hamer in relations to insurance fraud, prosecutorial misconduct, conspiracy to commit murder, and more. At this time we are not releasing any more information to the public however we look forward to bring these three in front of a jury to face the justice system. At this time, I will be opened to any questions you may have.

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