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| December 31st, 11:12 PM, Helicopter |

"Tell me how you feeling Fatima. Put everything out there because I want you but I wanna know if the feeling is mutual. And just because I am suggesting the idea of us not being together now doesn't mean we can't come back in a few months and try again. I just want to give you options so you don't feel forced into being with me if you don't want too." He was giving her the floor, he had his chance to speak and he would be an asshole to not allow her to speak. He was gonna sit back and listen and acknowledge everything that came from it.

"I want this relationship to work and I am willing to do whatever it is that you need from me to make it work. I just feel like you don't understand the amount of pressure that has been put on me this entire trip and how triggering seeing everything for the first time in 3 years is. I am not trying to downplay my actions but my emotions and brain are scrambled eggs right now and I am trying to make everyone happy but I can't and it's frustrating."

At this point, the tears began to creep out of her eyes. She wasn't trying to cry so much but damn she was so tired. It was bullshit after bullshit after bullshit and now she is 40 minutes away from losing the one thing that was going good in life.

"Come here." He opened his arms, she hesitated before she crawled into his lap resting her head on his neck. "What's going on mama?"

"I don't wanna talk about my family right now." She sniffled into his neck, he couldn't hear her due to the muffles but he was able to get an idea of what was said. "I wanna take some time to process it, my emotions too high right now."

"Did they hurt you?" He asked slowly, she nodded her head yes. "How bad? 1-10?"


"You want me to handle it? Hmm? What can I do?" He rubbed her back to soothe her a bit, she shook her head no. This was something she wanted to do on her own. She was done depending on other people, it was time she took her life into her own.

That's a black king right there!

"Let me hear about everything that you feel comfortable talking about." He was so patient and understanding which is what made Fatima fall for him. Knowing he could've been an asshole or kirk out but never doing it made her love him even more than she imagined.

She poked her head out of his neck, her hands grazing his faces, he slightly jumped from the pressure. "Sorry." She eased up a bit. "I should've never put my hands on you without asking questions. I should've asked questions than moved accordingly as well as putting my trust into you and what we are building. And I never meant to put your career in jeopardy or anything like that. I am also sorry for making you feel like I was choosing my family over you or even having you think what she did was right because it wasn't. I know how it feels to be singled out by significant other's families and I would never wanna put you or Junior in that position. I should've told you about the Ian...especially with everything we both went through with our exes. And most importantly, I wanna fix this...you just gotta give me a chance to fix it please" She blurted out all at one.

"Breathe girl." He smiled at her. "Let me ask this and you be honest...when I asked you to be my girlfriend on the ice skating date and you came up with a thousand and one reasons why it wasn't a good idea, were you just saying that because you were scared or did you actually mean that and you only said yes because you felt pressured by me? And please be honest, I won't get mad."

She thought about it. "The first one. I was just scared and then you reassured me and that is what I wanted. This is what I want. I am just having a hard time breaking some of the traits that are toxic." She truthfully admitted. "You didn't pressure me into anything, I had my mind made up but I wanted to see what you would say if I gave you the runaround." 

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