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"Kiss me." She demanded as she grabbed his Hanes shirt by the collar pulling him closer. He looked at her, finally having his mind made up. He leaned in....

Zac leaned in to meet her at ear. "You're pathetic." He swatted her hand of his shirt before backing up. "You're so pathetic. You have not only tried to seduce me and talk about another female, but you have yet to mention your son who is literally upstairs but you are quick to mention being a baby momma to Fatima. How does that work?"

"Fatima? That's her name." She asked in a more stating matter. "We can fix this. We don't have to ruin all these years of love and friendship over miscommunication.

"You are really pissing me off with your nonchalantness and lack of self awareness. There is no miscommunication. You cheated, lied, and stole from me. Three strikes you're out. Your ass is out, simple." Zac had an epiphany. "Why are you desperate for me back when just last week you were talking about letting by gones be by gones?

She began to fidget with her fingers as she looked down.

"Ahhhhh!" A light bulb went off in his head. "Let me guess...this rapper left you high and dry and you wanna come home? Hmmm?"

"No. I ended it  with him. I want us." She said reaching out for his hand only to be denied.

"Don't believe it nor do I care too. I already told you what it was on the phone both times we spoke. You wanna see Junior? You can every other weekend until you are consistent with him. The car and the houses your parents are currently using on my nickels and dimes is done as well. You went from 6 months to 3 months, so I suggest you figure it out cause being out on the street in February with a newborn is nasty work." He slightly chuckled.

"You hate me that much that you would have me and your kid out on the street? In the cold?" She said as tears began to fall.

His face softened. "No. No I wouldn't. If this is my kid by DNA test, of course, they are more than welcomed to live with me. But you? Yeah you're ass better pack some thick clothing."

"This is your baby." She grabbed his hand and place it on her stomach.

He snatched his hand back. "And like I said...I will claim them and take care of them once I get a DNA test."

Zac opened the door and escorted her out the room and towards the front door. Fatima and Junior were coming down the other step of stairs when Zac and Fatima made eye contact but she rolled her eyes and continued down the steps.

"Damn." Hazel said taken back. "You found a replacement for me already?"

"Are you done?" Zac asked uninterested in continuing the conversation, he opened the front door, and pointed for her exit.

She scoffed. "Does she know?"

"Know what?" Fatima asked re-appearing from behind them. She made her way to a nearby wall, keeping her distance as she continued to eye down both of them.

"Know that I am pregnant with his kid?" She chipperly stated.

"Nah...I just thought you were overweight." Fatima sarcastically stated. Steve Wonder blind ass could see the lady was pregnant from the perfectly round stomach. "And your pregnancy has nothing to do with me if we are being frank. Continue talking to your baby father." She shooed her away.

"I bet she doesn't know you were at the hub with your manager either. The same manager that you were creeping and freaking with." She put some bass in her voice.

"That's not true." Zac argued. Fatima watched the entire interaction, not daring to utter a word.

"Which part?" She asked. "Were you not at the hub with her?"

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