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Fatima stormed back in to find Zac putting Junior's jacket back on and from the look on his face, he was not happy. "What's going on?" She quickly asked as she made her way inside with Ian trailing shortly behind.

"I am honestly not sure." Henry, her father admitted. He, himself was confused with everything that just transpired. Ever since his accident a few years ago, his processing abilities have been severely hindered.

"Mom?" She asked turning her attention to Moana. "Oh." She began stuttering. "I was just talking to him about some stuff, nothing we can't hash out right, Zac?" She asked turning her attention to him.

"No." He bluntly stated which made everyone turn and look at him. He was cold and firm on his answer and he was not covering for what she was trying to sugarcoat or deny.

"What happened?" Fatima asked Zac directly, it was obvious her parents weren't gonna answer so she went straight to the horse's mouth.

"Oh nothing, you just casually missed your mother informing me that you were leaving me to be with Ian, something about a wedding that you were planning with Ian, and some other stuff about my son that I didn't take it lightly too." He spilled all the beans.

"What?!" She scrunched her face up looking at her mother. "Why would you say that? Actually scratch that, Zac explain it to me."

"I basically stated that I want my daughter to have her Prince Charming." Her mother answered for him.

"Nah nah nah." He shook his head. "That's not what you said. You stated that I was not good enough for your daughter because I have a son that didn't come from her biologically and I should cut my losses because her heart and body remains with Ian."

"What else?" Fatima asked irritable that her mother is overstepping, like always. No matter who it is, friends, lovers, co-workers, there she was putting her unsolicited and incorrect voice on matters that didn't have shit to do with her.

"She also stated that you were just playing me to make Ian jealous so that he would act like he had sense. Apparently that's true since you have been texting him behind my back and wasting my time." His voiced laced with hurt and disappointment. "Then she started badgering me about my personal life, judging me, not letting me answer any questions, but quick to ask them."

"Is this true mother?"

Why she not denying the allegations? Ion like that 🤔

"Not exactly. I wasn't that direct or mean, I was asking him questions to better understand you guys relationship that's all." Her mother lowly stated as it was all eyes on her.

"I can't believe this right now." Zac meant to say to himself but it was said aloud. "Respectfully, you are too old to be lying like this. You know what you said and you know what you did was disrespectful so now you are trying to play victim."

"Hold on now son." The father now made his way into the conversation. He wasn't sure what was going on but he wasn't liking the tone he was showing his wife.

"Not only did you suggest I am man-whore who probably has many kids with different females but you also stated the profession I am in doesn't allow me to properly raise my kids or have a wife due to my time on the road. Not all football players are hoes that chase after females either so that was pretty ignorant of you to say. Then you turned around and made fun of my son when he got frustrated because he stuttered over a word. You laughed dead in his face causing him to cry. He's 4! The fuck is wrong with you?!" Zac accidentally shouted startling everyone in the room, he didn't mean to be emotional, but talking about his son was a big no no.

"Honey." She turned to Fatima. "I think it's time you ask your guest to leave. I haven't seen you in almost three years and he is kinda bringing down the vibes. This is supposed to be a celebration but now it feels like...idk." Her face shown clear disgust and disgrace towards Zac and his son.

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